Trick plays (hamete)

How about a general thread for trick play discussion?

(see also 18.5 points trick move)

We have an old thread about how best to defend against them, and a newer one about whether or not they’re “wrong”, but not a basic space for posting and discussing them.

I wanted somewhere I could post this diagram from 2006, that I found on Bruce Wayne’s SL page.


He explains:

and are trick plays. is a correct response but if B plays to try and capture the corner then uncovers the trick. The W group in the corner is alive while B is without a base and already pressured.

However, Bruce doesn’t say where he believes should be.

How about 6 at...

…f16, a one space jump from 2 attaching to the centre-facing side of 5. Gets the black stones out, and attacks 3 by leaning on 5. Expect white to follow up with hane at g16, then black f15.

I dunno if that’s a good idea. I am 6-7 kyu but that’s my idea anyway :smile_cat:


Here you can read Nakane Hojiro’s 1912 book on hamete, Hamete Sen Dai.

It’s (obviously) a Japanese book, but it’s full of diagrams (205 of them).

I tried the above on OGS AI and it says ‘meh’ about effectiveness of the trick, and suggests 6 as is. I guess the baseless group is not that useless…

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Although 7 is a good tesuji for miai connection to know, black is still fine in that position, and actually doing a little better than if White had played a usual joseki after the shoulder hit (that’s why it’s not joseki). However, although this position is objectively bad for white, it is still a treacherous position and it’s easy for black to make a mistake in the continuation which would give White the lead, particularly if White has studied the follow ups. Quite a lot of unusual moves are like this: bad if the opponent answers correctly, but could end up good if they mess up.

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