Here is the first installment of some edits. As before, I do not have a Git-Hub account and have no desire to get one. Sorry for the inconvenience, but that’s the way it has to be. On the plus side, doing it like this is more transparent.
Creating a New Account (signing up)
“To create a new account”—Add comma after
“Email” has usually been written without the hyphen in the U.S. for the past 20 years.
“However (to combat spam)”—Use commas rather than parentheses.
“are not allowed to use”—Substitute “cannot use”
“Sign up”—Periods and commas should be inside the quote mark since OGS is a U.S.- based server
Adjust Everything to Your Preference
I would substitute a colon at the end of the first sentence (because the list, standing alone, isn’t a sentence). Then I would insert commas after “you)” and “other)”
The text about the OGS logo is outdated. Starting in the second sentence substitute this: “Hover over your name in the upper right of your home page and click on “Settings” (or go to…”
“adjust:”—Strictly speaking, a verb should not be separated from its object by a colon. That is why the traditional usage was “adjust the following:” or to put in no punctuation. But this is me being pedantic (I am “old school” as we say).
General Settings
“Language of the interface” —For consistency, wouldn’t it be better to say just “(you can choose your browser language)”?
“Profanity filter” —substitute "(censors swear words and can be disabled by switching to a language you don’t use)”
“Game thumbnail list”—Add s to limit. Add comma after loaded and delete the hyphen
“Show offline friends”—Add comma after disabled and delete hyphen
“Show tournament indicator”—Add comma after disabled and delete hyphen
Game Preferences
“Game-control-dock”—Add comma after in and delete hyphen
“Voice countdown”—Add comma after disabled and delete hyphen
“Board labelling”—I suggest changing this to “Board coordinates.” Then change the parenthesis to “(controls the style…)” I think the duplication of the word is okay here.
“Live game submit mode” —As in the other cases, the use of the hyphen after match is incorrect. Either substitute an em-dash closed up on both sides, or add a colon after match and delete the hyphen. Also, change need to want.
“Auto-advance”—Add comma after correspondence game
“Disable AI review”—Substitute “(AI will not analyze your finished games, but you can also toggle this from the righthand panel when in game)”
“Dynamic title”—Delete “streamers - they will” and substitute “streamers, who will”
“Enable function keys” —This starts with a comical dangling participle. The keys are enabled, not “you.” Substitute “(enables use of the F1-F10 keys to enter analyze mode in game and use various tools; this may override some of your browser shortcuts, such as page refresh)”
Email Notifications
Change “e-mail to “email”
After “adjust,” either delete the colon or add “the following” before the colon.
Vacation Control
This starts with another dangling participle. Substitute “When this is enabled,” and delete the hyphen. Also, add “time” after “vacation” and add “on OGS” after “8 days”
Account Settings
Substitute “an” for “and” and “email” for “e-mail” in two places.
Blocked players
Capitalize players in the head
Substitute “to play again.” for “play against anymore.”
Delete “Player” from “Block Player.”
I would keep all the text together and add a line: “Blocking also prevents them from messaging you on the OGS system.”
Again, the sentence about the logo is outdated and should be deleted. I suggest combining “Profile” and “Profile Details.”
Add a new second sentence: “Click on your name on the home page to get to your Profile.”
Delete the third sentence.
This paragraph is problematic due to the two settings for the table.
Substitute “Ratings table” in first sentence. Add a sentence: “The switch on the right toggles to show rank and standard deviation (off) or rating points and deviation (on).”
I would substitute “rank is unknown.”
Substitute em-dashes (closed up) for the hyphens in the second sentence.
Substitute “…and will become definite only after…”
I would substitute 6 for 5, but this is obviously a matter of opinion.
No need to hyphenate “time-settings”
Add a period after “numbers,” delete hyphen, and start a new sentence, “When the toggle is on, the first number…and the second…”
After “give or take,” substitute “(i.e., your possible deviation from the first number). The more confident the system is about your rank, the lower this number will be. Your rank will be…”
Game History
Add a period after “your Game History”
Theme settings
Capitalize settings in the head
Substitute “Clicking on…page brings up…” (making one sentence by also deleting it).
Add a comma after “stones”
Learning the Rules of Go
Add comma after “playing)”
Delete “Clicking the upper left OGS logo brings out a menu. Choose Learn to play Go.” This is outdated. Substitute “Click “Learn” on the navigation bar and “Learn to play Go” on the drop-down menu.”
Your rating
This should be “Your Rank”
Substitute “a player’s”
Add “the” in front of “Glicko 2”
Substitute “For more statistical info on Glicko 2, please see the following references:”
Again, I would substitute 6 for 5.
Comma inside quote for “Glicko points”
Delete “for easier orientation”
Add “the” and “system” to make “the traditional kyu/dan system.
Substitute “at” = “starts at 25k.” Delete “and” and substitute “As you get stronger…”
Lowercase dan
The sentences about the 15-game window should be deleted, as they are outdated. Ranks do not go down like that anymore. The paragraph should start with “The other ratings…”
Delete the commas in the sentence about annulments.
The last paragraph should be completely deleted because the timeout tag was abolished years ago.
Rating calculator
This should be “Rating Calculator”
Add “this” = “looks like this:”
Add comma after “this” = “comprehend this,”
Capitalize “volatility” in the head
Add comma after “general” = “In general,”
Substitute “departure from an accepted set of behaviors.”
Add “the” = “the difference
Substitute “Volatility refers to how rapidly and unpredictably a value will change.”
Interpreting this tool’s value
Substitute “Interpreting the Value” in the head
The second bullet seems wrong. I think the difference just means that Sofiam’s rank is much more uncertain in either direction.
Last sentence: Substitute “But if you lose as expected,”
Deleting an account
Capitalize account
Terms of Service
Add a comma after “ToS” and delete the colon.
Substitute “Short version is this:”
Add pronoun: “ban you outright”