“Score cheating” is a form of trolling in which one player intentionally mismarks the status of one or more stones during the scoring phase in order to trick the other player into accepting a loss. See here for a recent example: link.
The victim has no recourse other than to call a moderator, but the moderating team is often not staffed to respond to these issues in real time, so in practice all they can do is take corrective action after the fact.
This post is a proposal for preventive measures, with the goal of mitigating the threat of score cheating and reducing the burden on the moderators.
- During game setup, add a checkbox called “Use AI scoring”, or something similar. Add an indicator to the game list so that players know whether or not the setting is being used before accepting a game.
- When the game ends, players are presented with the same view as in the status quo: the game board with the results of autoscoring presented, as well as the options to accept the score or abort and continue the game. Crucially, they are NOT given the opportunity to change how any groups or territory are marked.
- As in the status quo, a timer runs down during the scoring phase. If the timer runs out before either both players have accepted the autoscoring or one player has resumed the game, autoscoring is used by default.
In rare cases the autoscoring tool will get the score wrong one way or the other, and the aggrieved player will have no recourse but to make their case to a moderator. This is superior to the status quo in which a troll can win games by stubbornly refusing to accept the score of a game until their victim gives up and leaves, because all of the troll’s games require moderator attention versus the comparatively rare cases where the autoscoring tool gives incorrect results. It also provides the site’s developers with the ability to reduce the burden on moderators by improving the autoscoring tool over time, whereas in the status quo there are no software solutions for preventing trolling.