Edit: no more than three consecutive posts allowed, so an edit of the last post.
Nothing new
Let me help you with that
My money is on @Vsotvep winning this contest, but I guess I could always wait to play second and say “plus one”
My guess would depend on what the rules are…
What if there are no rules?
“the number bigger than anything that anyone else can think of”
Without rules the question becomes kind of meaningless.
With rules it is quite meaningless as well.
Nevertheless, if the rules do not allow referencing each other’s answers, then I bet my number will be much larger than what any of you can come up with, and that I can prove that it is.
Is it sufficient to provide a definition for the number s.t. it exists? Or do we need to calculate it?
For example I might answer with a number that is proven to exist, but its value is unknown.
I heard that recently the busy beaver function for 5 states was determined. For more states it is unknown, although its known to be finite. Seems like this function grows very fast.
One strategy for coming up with a very high number could be to chain functions that grow very fast, like this one.
Then of course, whatever is your approach for this, you can always increase it further.
This makes me feel a certain kind of way
One of the many reasons why we homeschool our kids
Please don’t turn this into a typical subreddit page obsessed with the specifics personalities from the US politics, thank you very much.