Werewolf Game 2 - The Tragedic Story of Kosumi Castle

There’s one more delicate matter I feel I must address. Bugcat, my dear sir, I hope I haven’t misconstrued your intentions. And the natural charms of our most excellent Gia are not lost on me. But I would remind you, as I would remind you all, that this is not the time for hanky-panky.

My apologies if I have jumped to the wrong conclusion.


I am stirred to ask if anything is necessary, or rather, is not everything necessary? As it was pedantically mentioned before, though we may have stumbled upon something of a vampiric origin, why are werewolves also lurking about? If this pondering, though remarkably puzzling, if not silly, has any basis… perhaps then other monsters are afoot? Zombies? Or worse… Trolls?

What minor rights do the souls who float the Acheron need? Let us receive the rights! We who have such a numbered few days ahead…

And thus the vote began. The house was in agreement, and it soon turned out that everybody was spared an early execution.

Voter Voted for
@Gia nobody
@yebellz nobody
@fiddlehead nobody
@KAOSkonfused nobody
@Assai nobody (did not vote)
@You_Know_Me nobody (voted to stake the jester)
@Haze_with_a_Z nobody (did not vote)
@bugcat nobody

After the Treasurer ran a wooden stake through the jester and the Chaplain said a quick blessing, the court disposed of the body before it would start to reek of death. To gather intel, the courtiers decided to elect a Nightwatch, and they did so anonymously, fearful that the watchman or -woman would be an easy target for the violent monsters. With a heavy heart the household said goodnight and went to their private quaters, everyone fully aware not all might see the light of day ever again…

With this the Night phase starts. Please do not discuss in this thread until the next Day phase at 2020-03-16T17:00:00Z.


In the late hours of night, for some the early hours of morning, before even the rooster calls the sun to rise, only a single candle in the entire castle had not been extinguished. In the flickering of the last source of light, the insomniac Scholar was assiduously translating a cuneiform text on the Assyrian night-spectre Lilitu. With such vigorous concentration did the unfortunate academic study, that he could impossibly have noticed the two shadowy figures that silently entered the library. It was not until the soft sizzle with which the waning flame was extinguished that the wise man realised the predicament he had found himself in. Well aware that his end had come, the scholar remained seated in the darkness and sighed: “do as you must, you ravenous creatures.”

And so ended the life of Scholar @bugcat, taking with him a wealth of knowledge and wise words to the grave.

We now start the day phase, which will last until 2020-03-18T17:00:00Z.


Oh, no! Our scholar is gone? :cry: I’m so sad I didn’t spend more time with him yesterday…

(Although I find it hard to believe that he managed to get in only 7 words before he died).

Let’s gather around these fresh scones and put our heads together, people! We need to weed out those cursed creatures!


This is terrible. bugcat’s presence will surely be missed.

I was not the Nightwatch last night, so I do not have any information to share.

Since the Nightwatch rotates each night, I think it makes sense for whoever was the Nightwatch last night to reveal what they learned. At best, they may have found a vampire, and even if they did not, their information could confirm the innocence of two of us. At worst, bugcat may have been the Nightwatch last night, which would not be good for us.

The only downside to making this information public would be that the vampires would have a slightly better chance of guessing who might be the Nightwatch on subsequent nights. I think the value of the information outweighs this risk. However, if you think otherwise, let’s please discuss.


Has anyone seen our chaplain @Assai recently? I am concerned that they seem remarkably quiet and failed to vote on the first day.

@Haze_with_a_Z, why did you also not cast a vote on the first day?


I didn’t vote because I thought that if I wanted to vote for no one then I wasn’t supposed to vote. I know it sounds stupid. I also wasn’t night watch so I can’t share about that.


Here is me more in-depth of my last answer.
I am removing this quote just in case sorry.
I got this in my message, and I thought that it meant that if I didn’t vote, then I was voting for nobody. It is just like in the Presidential Elections, if you want to vote for nobody, then you just don’t vote. There is no option on the ballot to vote for nobody. Another example is if you are voting in a room by raising your hand, they don’t ask “Who is voting for nobody?”, instead, they just find this out if you didn’t vote for anyone. Is it terrible if I got confused? I didn’t know that this is different than one of those elections. Assai is worrying, especially since he only got on to post one comment on here, and possibly like some of these posts. He hasn’t mentioned being extremely busy, and he hasn’t responded to people mentioning him. If he had something relevant he was working on, then he could show us.

No worries about missing the vote. I was just curious in order to make sure that we still had you in the game, and something else external had not come up.

I actually wanted to post after I saw the vote, I just couldn’t since I had to wait for the night phase to be over.

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I too will miss Bugcat’s contributions. He used his time here well. His knowledge was copious, and if he was something of a windbag about it, well, what of that? He shared his mind most generously and we’re the better for it.

I’m at a loss as to the wisdom of yebellz’s recommendation. I’m leaning somewhat toward endorsing it, but it’s a risky play, as he himself acknowledged. I’ll need to consider this agonizing decision for awhile.


I had the same thought as Haze and did not vote for that same reason.
I said I was against killing yesterday morning and that being said, I thought nothing I could say would change the course of the game because we didn’t know anything yesterday. So I didn’t vote because I thought that would be exactly the same as voting for noone.

I will hold a funeral service at noon. I will say some words for the Scholar and the Jester and ask God to help us find the vampires. I look forward to see you all.


Heard throughout the night was the manic treasurer, writhing in his sleep. Shouting out through cold sweats and creased blankets, a single word could sometimes be deciphered amongst the unintelligible hollerings. Thrusting his hands straight up through and past his sheets, reaching out and grasping at nothing, bringing them close to him with an airy, unsatisfying thump. At times gargling, choking on his own spit, his eyes would burst open and bulge from their sockets, glossy and bloodshot. Still, he would not wake, but immediately fall back into a shifting restless sleep.

In fact I nearly suspected our informed scholar. As I considered his knowledge, so sweeping, so vast, and covering so many eons, I grew skeptical that a mere mortal could know so much… but alas… I am humbled.

Fare thee well, dear @bugcat.


Does the hesitation of the house members foreshadow our ominous futures? Is it strange the nightwatch will not reveal their burdensome knowledge, or is it because they will not that may give us clues to predetermination? If they had discovered the monstera of course they would come straight out and say… But what if they uncovered some other role and only reveal to the vampires the same informations…

I also had this notion, but I expect we would know this information outright, at daybreak, as it is stated and therefore it shall be:

If we are to come to this conclusion ourselves (that the nightwatch may come to an end), are we also expected to find whether bugcat was the nightwatch via process of elimination?

The rules as were voted for include:

But, dear goulish jester:

Yes, that has nothing to do with announcing roles upon death, does it?

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My mistake…

Yet, to continue this thought, if we were to deduce whether bugcat was in fact the nightwatch, whomever does not speak out could be quickly singled out… and with that now being said, it may be hard to trust what anyone says…

I don’t want the nightwatch to out the Guardian, of course. I just want to know who they can confirm as innocent.

All, what do you think of strategy?

Should the nightwatch speak out if they did not find a vampire?

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Should we kill today?

  • Do not kill today (unless nightwatch reveals a vampire)
  • Kill today if nightwatch speaks up
  • Kill today even if nightwatch does not speak up
0 voters
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