Werewolf Game 4: Discussion space

Oh, and they’ve changed their vote to nobody as well, and now finally looking at some old communication.

Well, hopefully KAOS will again point out that KAOS instigated suspicions against Starline as well.

Ah, what a shame, when they could have said so much more on the previous day.


That was very close. Thank you for that. :flushed:

I was typing that it’s interesting that it all comes down to ginger’s choice today and I can’t wait to see what the deciding factor will be for them.


And I managed to hide the warning behind another message before the edit-timer made it a real edit. Nobody will know :slight_smile:



Note: I briefly opened the reply box in the game thread just to automatically generate this quote snippet. Sorry if that gave you another heart attack, @Vsotvep

By the way, on the day that I had MED, I almost forgot that I had it, and started writing out long message normally and almost sent it, but I had to abandon it for being distracted by something else. When I came back to it, I almost sent it again, but then remembered that I had MED and discarded the draft.

Now ginger’s vote is on KAOS


Seems like it might actually become a 50/50 chance like this.


In character

What’s this gloggleglasster that you speak of?


You know, it’s funny, it seems like ginger doesn’t realize that the entire game comes down to their decision alone. They don’t need to convince anyone with bold statements like “Kill Assai” or “Kill KAOS”. They alone decide who dies and which team wins. Obviously KAOS and Assai will vote against each other, and ginger’s vote is all that’s uncertain and matters, but maybe ginger doesn’t know that.


—Ah, you’ve heard of them? They are these nifty little gadgets that lets us employees of the CivSimCorp do our observational duties. My personal one has changed shape and I can’t get it to unlock anymore, so I borrowed Farngle’s gloggleglasster until mine is fixed.

Vsotvep pulls Ruby’s pendant and a small orb out of his pockets. He discards the pendant onto the table and holds up the orb with his left hand. The orb starts glowing and the air around it shimmers a little.

—If I hold it in my hand like this… Yes… so now I have to scan my ID, since this is Farngle’s gloggleglasster…

Vsotvep waves his right hand above the marble, and it starts vibrating and a mirage starts to form in the air above the gloggleglasster.

—There, it’s working! Now I just have to concentrate on the right location…

The mirage takes shape, first of the surface of Mars, then it speeds accross the landscape and the base comes into view. Shortly before the image manages to enter the base, the image flickers, and a toilet is revealed

—Oh… Excuse me… Well… It’s very difficult to concentrate when you need to, ehrm, take a break, if you know what I mean. Here, feel free to play around with it yourselves!

Vsotvep puts down the alien marble and hurries away.


Ruby snatches the pendant and gloggleglasster from the table, stuffs the pendant in his pocket, and rushes off toward the bar to find Leira.

I don’t have time to explain, Lieutenant, but come with me.


Imagine if ginger pulls an ultimate reverse uno card and votes for nobody

What? Who are these people? Am I dreaming, or do I see ghosts?
pinches myself
That evil mimic must’ve put drugs in my water! Wait, am I on a sofa? I should be in my bed!
Wait… I remember! Someone teleported me while I was sleeping! Was that… Assai?


yebellz quietly follows Ruby to the bar, where they come across a drunken and disheveled Leira

Leira always had his best and his worst ideas when he was half drunk. He had signed up for astronaut training on a dare from a drinking pal he had met not 15 minutes before; that was, admittedly, not his brightest. Sometimes, however, he’d get an accurate realization and, like a broken clock twice a day, nail at the heart of some random truth.


“If they were watching us before, they are surely still watching us now” said the voice in his head. “The experiment is not over. Even letting Vsotvep and the other commanders play with their toys is a part of it. But what do you think they will do when they finally are done?”

—Shut up! I drink for a reason O.K.? Just so that you shut your f%$#ing mouth!—Leira said out loud.—Also, why are there f#$%ing mosquitoes in f#$%ing Mars!?

Leira slammed the back of his neck with blunt force. The poor drone didn’t even see it coming, as it came to lie on the table with its circuitry completely messed up.


Sorry @Gia, cannot let you just hold all the cards :wink:

Drunken flashback:

The kid was casually squatting on the soft floor of a spacious room; he could feel the individual fibers, warm under the soles of his feet. A bunch of very old wooden toys were scattered around. Every detail of this room, from the game board that sit in the corner, to the large banner on the wall (with an inscription that he couldn’t read), yelled the words “traditional” and “wealthy”.

The door on the left slid open. A young woman, no older than 16, entered the room with a tray carrying green tea and some delicious smelling baked goods.

—Meister Yurugen,—she said with a sweet voice—I have baked you some of your favorite Brötchen. But don’t fill up on them, remember you have to eat dinner later.

—Thank you, Mama!

—Meister Yurugen,—27-O-56 responded, with an immutable expression—please remember that I am not your mother. Ms. Daiwa will not be very pleased if she hears you say that.

The android kept smiling as she walked out. The kid, on the other hand, had not yet learned to hide his disappointment. Little tear-soaked bread crumbs soiled the tatami underneath.

Edit: For those wondering how to pronounce the name 27-O-56, I believe it is Nishichi Ogoroku. I reckon androids would reclaim their serial numbers as their own, instead of the derogatory ways people would call them (and yes, many people with no imagination would just christen them Siri, Alexa, Cortana, etc.).


Immediately following the flash, @Assai, @KAOSkonfused and @ginger2008 found themselves in a metal room in the company of every other player. Everybody started applauding, and Commander @Vsotvep offered those of proper age a glass of champagne1 to celebrate the end of a mission, although unsuccessful for humankind, at least successful for the astronaut team, and valuable research material for the mimics.

@Vsotvep then began to explain the story, for the umpteenth time to the last two innocent astronauts, and then offered everybody the choice: go back to earth or explore space / escape involuntary internships with the Chi Virginians.

1 One of which was salty


To explain: I have not much planned, but the idea is that you can now choose to join the next part, which is a role-playing space adventure story in the spirit of what yebellz suggested, or you can choose to return to earth no strings attached.

@mark5000, I believe it is possible to make private PM’s into public forum threads. Could you assist us with this?


It cannot be, for the drone is disabled?

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