Werewolf Game 4: Madness of the Martian Mimics

If it makes you feel better, I find you the least suspicious of the three. :slight_smile:

My suspicion of you primarily stems from that one statement which could innocently be one crew member looking out for her friend. It also could be a mimic attempting to discretely tell her fellow martian scumbag to cool it before he blows his cover.

This is very concerning. During our Alternative Life-form Detection training sessions, Haze was never this pushy. Think back to his behavior during training session 2, if I remember correctly the simulation involved vampires.

I’ll admit that his current level of pushiness could be due to sheer disgust over our current situation. No one wants to be around martians. At least vampires were once human.


Can someone please call for the medic. I’m afraid I might be coming down with MED :frowning:

Please, be quick!