Werewolf Game 4: Madness of the Martian Mimics

I have changed my vote to myself because having a tie and thus not killing anyone would be far worse than just killing me, and I probably won’t be on again before Martian nightfall.

I am posting this so that if Samraku continues posting, he won’t run into the three in a row restriction.


My break ends in ten minutes, and when I come back, I will either be dead, or unable to speak due to the night. Goodbye, all, if this is goodbye. I will continue watching the game as a ghost if that turns out to be my fate.

I would prefer if you would post to actually say something… Have you read through the posts of the previous days? What are your thoughts? What is your gut feeling?
Because, honestly, I just don’t know what’s right or wrong anymore. And I’m not the one who should make that decision anyway. It’s you and Ginger, because your identity as innocents is confirmed. It would have been better if the two of you had used the day to come to a joint decision.

If you decide against Assai, then I will trust you and change my vote. If you decide to vote against Samraku, then I’m also with you.

I have to add… My gut feeling says that Samraku is the mimic. But I’m still not completely sure. I have been wrong before…


Uhm… @Vsotvep, the day should have ended, right?

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Ah, woops, I’m sorry, I got distracted .

2088 Jan 31, 20:44

@Samraku, like yebellz, went down as an innocent, sitting outside the base in the freezing desert, with the strong hope that his death would make it easier tomorrow for the last two innocents to identify the mimic.

The night phase starts now, until all players have been online at least once and the special roles have done their duties.


2088 Feb 1, 08:00

Today will be the last struggle of the remaining crew, who this morning woke up without @HHG. Only two innocent people and one mimic were left, thus today would definitely be the end of either all of the innocents, or of the mimic. Who will win?

Let’s find out.

The day phase starts now, until 2020-06-27T16:00:00Z. I’ve put a link to this post in the top message of this thread, so the poll can be found easily.

Who should be killed today?

  • Assai
  • KAOSkonfused
  • ginger2008
  • nobody

0 voters


Kill assai. KAOS insisted on inspecting Me or Samraku. He wouldn’t do that if he was a Mimic. Or he might be. Need to think more.

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Samraku wouldn’t give out this info, would he?
Starline is a mimic, right?

Who contracted MED? Kill KAOS

Short summary of common knowledge, to level the playing field:

  • Of the remaining three players, @Assai, @KAOSkonfused and @ginger2008, there are two innocent players and one mimic.
  • Of the disappeared players, @Gia and @Starline were mimics.
  • All other disappeared players were innocent.
  • Every day (including today) a single alive player contracts MED. Both innocents and mimics can get MED, and I decide who will get it by asking discobot to roll dice (ensuring the decision is properly random).
  • If the vote kills the last mimic today, the innocent team wins. If the vote kills an innocent player, the mimic team wins (because the mimic will kill the other innocent in the night phase)

Oh dear.

Ok, sorry to all innocents who are still reading this for being stupid. :roll_eyes: Sorry for being the only one who read through the whole thread again and wanted to discuss what had been said before - disregarding that HHG, Ginger and Assai didn’t want to discuss, so now it looks as if I had made all the bad decisions on my own. :roll_eyes: But no, I haven’t. I put up things to discuss, and it’s not my fault that you didn’t engage much.

If you want, blame me for questioning everything and everyone, but don’t blame me for losing when you kill me today. I wish I would have been killed early on in the game, so I could have leaned back and watched, instead of ending up blamed for overthinking again. :expressionless:

Edit: And no, I will of course not vote against myself. It’s Ginger’s decision alone.

Samraku said this when everybody already knew that Starline was a mimic! After Ruby revealed it. So that was no evidence for his innocence.

I, however, suspected Starline at a time when he wasn’t in the spotlight yet (one day before the post you quoted), and I asked Ruby to investigate him. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who wanted Starline to be investigated, but I had a big part in it. See here and here.

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And, I don’t think I should participate next time.

Only if I wasn’t dumber. :expressionless: :sweat:
I feel so bad for suspecting Yebellz and Samraku. Nothing good came out of all the time I put into re-reading what everyone had said before. It would have been better to simply trust Yebellz. Or to roll a die to determine who should be killed next.

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:tea: :hot_face: :exclamation:
:no_entry_sign: :skull_and_crossbones: :a: :heavy_dollar_sign:

:horse: :arrow_right: :alien: :exclamation:
:a: :heavy_dollar_sign: :arrow_right: :man_astronaut:

:skull_and_crossbones: :horse: :arrow_right: :man_astronaut: :man_astronaut: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

:skull_and_crossbones: :a: :heavy_dollar_sign: :arrow_right: :alien: :alien: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :exclamation: :exploding_head: :no_mouth:

:tea: :hot_face:
:pray: :speech_balloon: :question: :a: :heavy_dollar_sign: :100:

:horse: :lying_face:

Perhaps @ginger2008 was a little too quiet on this day where his role had become the most important. Did he really listen carefully to the arguments of the last two other crew members? Was it a thoughtful strategy or was it negligence? Insecurity or indifference? A stroke of genius or a fatal mistake?

Perhaps it was all of that at the same time, but for the last remaining mimic, the outcome was clear: the mimics have lost this game, because the last mimic was @Assai, and @KAOSkonfused was innocent.

As @Assai saw the tide turning, they congratulated @ginger2008 on making the wise decision they made, and then told them the truth: nobody had lost, everybody was safe. @Assai pressed a button hidden on their belt, and all three of the last crew started glowing, hovering, and with a white flash they disappeared from the base, only to reappear somewhere else…

For those reading along, the resolution will come soon


Good game, everyone! :partying_face:


:+1: :video_game:


Yes, thanks for the game!

…and now it seems I have to read a lot. :flushed: