Werewolf Game 5.1 Discussion

Hiya @syoon :slight_smile:

Hey @RubyMineshaft!

Aww, I was so sure that yebellz was a soulsnatcher

Guess I was wrong.

At least I managed to get 2/3 right if anyone decided to rethink what I said

2 out of 3 isn’t bad. Unfortunate wording in your first post after James made his claim seemed to be what started that snowball, from my perspective. Maybe they’ll think about it a bit more, seems like it would be foolish to go with either of the oracles to the end since it’s blind elimination.


Was quite fun though. Very different from playing it orally, where you only have 10 minutes to get everyone to say what they think and to arrive on a decision.


Yeah, changes the strategy up a bit

Yeah, the fact that everything I said can be viewed later kinda messed up how I usually play the game

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I wonder who will be joining us tonight
 If I was playing as a soulsnatcher, I think I’d want to get rid of either Vsotvep or yebellz.

Rolling for Emoji Curse - Day 4. If the roll comes up Leira, I will roll again since he was cursed yesterday.

@discobot roll 1d8

:game_die: 3

3 is kingkaio.

Hi, @Vsotvep & @李ć»ș柔2!

Surprise! You’re dead.

What the

@syoon?! Why did you think I’m a snatcher?! And why the ridiculous plan?! You absolutely blew away all your credibility


 That’s utterly disappointing.


It’s going to be incredibly difficult for the hunters to turn this around. Things will stop making sense at some point, but by then it’ll probably be too late.

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Yeah, we’ve completely lost, now.

I was planning on claiming to be the protector when morning came, since I thought the soulsnatchers would probably attack the same person from the first night, thinking it was the protector protecting themselves. (it now turns out they didn’t attack anybody, but even then I could be speaking the truth as far as they know)

If they would’ve killed the same person they attacked on the first night, and it was indeed the protector, then I could claim to have protected whoever died on the first night as well (I wasn’t aware at the start of the game that the protector could protect someone multiple times in a row, which makes protecting someone else a slightly more believable strategy). There would be nobody to counter claim, thus the snatchers would have to take a bet on James being protected or not, so there would be a slight possibility of the snatchers attacking me instead.

On the other hand, if there actually was still a protector, they should’ve countered my claim, but most importantly, they’d be still alive for another day to protect James, securing the victory.

I was in a unique position to do this, since I was a confirmed innocent by both oracles.


I just realized that bringing you into this thread now could have been a mistake
 The snatchers still have until the end of the first half of the night to change their minds. It’s unlikely that they will, but still it was a lapse in judgment.

I was too excited to have more people to discuss with.