Werewolf Game 5.1: Trouble in Steelwater Bog

kingkaio - :crown::earth_americas:
Leira - :man_farmer:
yebellz -
李建澔2 -
papavero -
Vsotvep -
Sanonius -
Leira -
Kaos -
Gia - :man_dancing:
Syoon - :tiger:

Leira is sick.
I won’t say that much because I’m sick
(who’s cat - me?) might be lying? Leira surprised


Edit: Oh ok, the cat is syoon

So that last line:

Syoon is lying? Leira is suprised


By the way, @kingkaio, I don’t think we should use wiki posts in this game thread. I made one previous, but then later realized that editing an old post could cause issues.


Sapphire is a bit preoccupied, but allow me to answer.

It was my intention that the soulsnatchers be allowed to target a member of their own team if they should choose to do so. I did not prohibit it here:

However, I now notice that the language in this sentence does not reflect my intentions (I should be better at proofreading):

I will revise the wording to reflect my intentions with the rules. Soulsnatchers are allowed to target themselves.


How about this: after everybody puts in there name I’ll remove wiki


:frowning: :speech_balloon: :arrow_right: :face_vomiting:

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This soulsnatching business is my hardest gig so far.

I like it.

Has the oracle found anything?


Here is a list of all of the players, their character name, and a suggested emoji name

Account Character Emoji
yebellz Prof. Ye Bellz :bell:
Gia Marlon :man_dancing:
KAOSkonfused Kayo S. :gear:
Haze_with_a_Z Hazel Axeny :parrot:
Leira James :man_farmer:
Vsotvep Butch :brick:
Sanonius V. Solis, PhD :snail:
kingkaio Maze Lander :crown:
papavero Papa Roheas :family_man_girl_boy:
李建澔2 Vagabond :man_juggling:
syoon Roy :tiger:

@李建澔2 never chose a character name, so I selected Vagabond.

Several players never selected an emoji nickname, so I used the suggestions picked by @KAOSkonfused.

Also, I think emoji nicknames should be reserved to a single emoji.


Please don’t edit your old posts, it gets confusing when you add more information, since those that read it earlier might miss the changes.

If you want to add more information or change something, just post a new reply.

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Does this mean Haze is the oracle?

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Not necessarily… if Haze is innocent, they would think that syoon is impersonating the seer simply for falsely accusing them. It does not imply that Haze is the oracle.


This implies that even if Maze (kingkaio) is telling the truth (that they are an innocent witch and a lover along with Hazel, and that they saved Hazel on night 2), then it could still be possible that Hazel is a soul snatcher, and that it was a plot by them to target Hazel on the second night, in expectation that Maze would save them.

Maze (kingkaio), why did you reveal that you were a witch at the very end of day 2? Why did you insist on the protector guarding you instead of Hazel? I think you’ve made some very unsound decisions.


I didn’t have time to give a full explanation.
Let’s assume that we’re both innocent. If the protector protected Hazel and the werewolves soulsnatchers tried to kill me then Hazel and I would die because a witch can’t save themself and Hazel would die with me. If the witch protects me and the werewolves soulsnatchers try to kill Hazel then I can save her.


:heavy_minus_sign::man_teacher: :bell: :interrobang::heavy_minus_sign: :man_farmer: :speech_balloon:

:heavy_minus_sign::point_down: :man_teacher: :bell: :bangbang:

:man_farmer: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face:

:man_farmer: :thought_balloon: :back: :man_teacher: :bell: :genie: :man_superhero:

:man_farmer: :thought_balloon: :back: :man_teacher: :bell: :weight_lifting_man: :heavy_plus_sign::horse_racing: :heavy_plus_sign::person_climbing: :heavy_plus_sign: :person_fencing:
:tipping_hand_man: :no_good_man:

:man_teacher: :bell: :film_projector: :star: :no_entry_sign:

:man_farmer: :thought_balloon::arrow_forward: :link: :heavy_plus_sign: :arrow_forward: :link:
:tipping_hand_man: :no_good_man:
:man_farmer: :disappointed: :disappointed:

:heavy_minus_sign::grimacing: :heavy_minus_sign: :man_farmer: :speech_balloon:


Why did you think the snatchers would target you or Hazel in the first place? If Hazel was innocent, killing her would just be unmasking syoon’s ploy. Further, if Hazel was a snatcher, then killing you would be killing one of their own. It was foolish play to reveal that you are the witch, since they could have guessed that you would have saved Hazel.


I guess my linguaphone is low on batteries today I guess…

  1. James seems to want me to try to translate

:man_farmer: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face:

  1. James is shocked and dizzy

:man_farmer: :thought_balloon: :back: :man_teacher: :bell: :genie: :man_superhero:

  1. James thinks that Bellz has some sort of special role

:man_farmer: :thought_balloon: :back: :man_teacher: :bell: :weight_lifting_man: :heavy_plus_sign::horse_racing: :heavy_plus_sign::person_climbing: :heavy_plus_sign: :person_fencing:
:tipping_hand_man: :no_good_man:

  1. James thinks that Bellz has some sort of special role, but is not so sure

:man_teacher: :bell: :film_projector: :star: :no_entry_sign:

  1. Bellz is not a filmstar?

:man_farmer: :thought_balloon::arrow_forward: :link: :heavy_plus_sign: :arrow_forward: :link:
:tipping_hand_man: :no_good_man:
:man_farmer: :disappointed: :disappointed:

  1. James thinks this is not a movie and is disappointed?

:heavy_minus_sign::grimacing: :heavy_minus_sign: :man_farmer: :speech_balloon:

  1. James wishes he could talk

If anything is wrong, please let me know. You can use emoji numbers (:one:, :two:, etc.) to specify which are correct :white_check_mark: or wrong :no_entry_sign:


ngl, this is just as funny as hunting soulsnatchers.


:soccer: :loop: :video_game:

:one: :seven: :four: :x:
:two: :white_check_mark:
:three: :x: :white_check_mark:
:five: :soon: :white_check_mark: :woman_shrugging:
:six: :soon: :white_check_mark:

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