Werewolf Game 5.1: Trouble in Steelwater Bog

Ok, corrected.

On the subject of emoji disease:

For this game, let my symbol be :man_farmer:

About the grammar of emoji language, I have three proposals:

  1. Let’s adopt the East-Asian convention of SOV.
  2. Let’s adopt (also) the East-Asian convention of markers (in the way of a suffix at the end of each word).
  3. Let’s adopt the lesser known convention of an implicit copulative verb. Let’s say, instead of saying “I am innocent”, you simply say “I innocent”.
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Wait, what, oh man, whatever. The sense of what I said is still the same.

Where is @kingkaio anyway. He hasn’t said a word.

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I suggest we don’t put rules on it, it’s already difficult as it is. Let’s let it flow as it flows for each one.


What! No grammar no language! I’ll go on a strike!!! :rage: :rofl:

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OOC: Maybe you’ll find it makes the curse less funny, and I don’t want to prescribe to anybody what they are to do and how to use their imagination, so I hide it.

IC: Yo, I, urm, so, I came up with this stuff here. Maybe it’s something good, I dunno. (Of course it’s good, I spent the whole past 45 minutes of my braintime on it, might as well have chilled in my hammock.) This makes it easier to everybody to communicate if they’re struck by the curse. Even for Professor Sasquatch-is-more-important-than-Atlantis here.

Dr. Solis's Handy Guidelines to Emojiglyphic speech.
  • Basically, use simple sentences.
  • Use a Subject-Verb-Object syntax, it’s what probably most of this group perceive as “natural”. The dog eats the fish :dog2: :tooth::loop: :fish:. Let’s not use determination (the vs. an) or verb tenses.
  • Adjectives and other attributes can be placed between a doubled base sign for clarity. The big bad wolf guides the clever boy in his blue box. :wolf::moyai::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::wolf: :guide_dog::loop: :boy::bulb::boy: :white_square_button: :package::blue_square::package:. This may look redundant, and in many cases it probably is, but it helps to distinguish between nouns and adjectives.
  • If necessary, use :wavy_dash: after symbols intended as nouns, :loop: after verbs. This actually allows SOV syntax, if you want.
  • Use spacing, returns to line or vertical dashes as word seperators to your discretion.
  • Some prepositions: into, inside :white_square_button:; out, outside :black_square_button:; across :twisted_rightwards_arrows:; around :repeat:; through :sagittarius:
  • Our roles: Soulsnatcher :zombie:, witch :woman_mage:, oracle :crystal_ball:, protector :guardsman:, lovers :two_hearts:
  • Logic: If :pushpin:, then :arrow_right:; true, yes :white_check_mark:; false, no, not :no_entry_sign:; and :heavy_plus_sign:; or :heavy_multiplication_x:; neither … nor :no_entry_sign: :heavy_multiplication_x::no_entry_sign: :heavy_multiplication_x:
  • Deictics: this, here :point_down: that, there :point_right:; before :back:, after :soon:, now :on:. We can use these as tense markers, too.

You think Hazel is a snatcher so they lie about their lover? (I think)

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I respectfully disagree, let’s leave everyone experience MED as they see fit.

(I love the vibe tho)


he was here at one point and he said pre-game that weekends were harder for them and they’d be on less.

What are y’all expecting to happen? Cause everyone keeps claiming some last minute vote will happen, and I have no clue what anyone means by that. There is also no snatching during the day and I couldn’t even control that if I wanted to.

  1. I am not a snatcher
  2. What motivation can you think of for me to lie about my lover?
  3. I don’t think Maze Lander has come on after I claimed, but they could come and back me up on this when they do come.

thank you for loving the vibe :slight_smile:


Yo, lady, you don’t die anyway since majority vote is nobody dies. Calm your lashes.

(maybe I shouldn’t be too harsh on her, if Maze bails I can offer some comfort…)


I appreciate everything else but that 'ji was born in December.

James woke up. He let out a huge yawn. His eyes still had traces of boogers around them

—Mornin’—it was 6 p.m.

—What a night!, Oh, everyone is alive?

For a moment he thought that maybe, this really was a FreakyCon convention, the greatest one ever created. Maybe it was a huge practical joke after all.

“Oh! How exciting!”


I think, Prof. Bellz means “If Hazel is a snatcher, wouldn’t she lie about her lover?”

Yes, it’s possible. But if Hazel wasn’t one oglf the lovers, there would be three (3!!) people to contradict her, so that would not be the best move for a snatcher. Except maybe as a trick to lure out the two lovers if they are both known by the snatchers to be innocent. But I don’t know, I think they would rather pull that move later in the game.

If Hazel and Maze / kingkaio are indeed the lovers, it is unlikely they are both snatchers, because then it would be really risky for Hazel to reveal her lover. Therefore I assume that Maze / kingkaio is innocent, independent of Hazel’s status.


Ok, Before night starts I’ll say this, I’m the other lover.

(There were 99 replies, took me a long time to read them all)

Protector, please protect me instead of haze, I’m the witch. Sorry, can’t say anymore, 2 minutes until night.


End of Day 2

The team’s patron, Sapphire, seemed to grow increasingly irritable throughout the morning. She walked about the camp banging things here and there until, finally, she locked herself in her room around noon and refused to come out.

As evening came, a member of the team knocked on her door and informed her that they thought they were making progress but had yet to capture a Soulsnatcher.

A quiet voice answered from behind the locked door.

No players have been eliminated today. The night phase begins now and will continue until 2020-09-09T16:00:00Z.

I will be in contact with players bearing special roles via PM to get their decisions. Discussion in the game thread is not allowed during the night phase.


Start of Day 3

While the group gathered for breakfast on the morning of the third day, a few members of the team noticed Sapphire with her hair wrapped in a towel and sporting dark sunglasses, counting the team members from her window. When she finished counting, she shook her head and closed the curtains. She did not come out to greet them.

There were no deaths during the night.

The day phase begins now and will continue until 2020-09-11T16:00:00Z.

Who should be executed today?

  • yebellz
  • KAOSkonfused
  • kingkaio
  • Leira
  • Gia
  • Vsotvep
  • Haze_with_a_Z
  • syoon
  • 李建澔2
  • papavero
  • Sanonius
  • Nobody

0 voters


Syoon is a soulsnatcher

Last night, Haze was killed and I (the witch) saved him. That means syoon was lying (because a soulsnatcher won’t kill himself) and he is a soulsnatcher.


Syoon - soulsnatcher
Haze - innocent (maybe some special role)
kingkaio - innocent (witch)
Gia - ?
Kaos - ?
Leira - ?
Sanonius - ?
Vsotvep - ?
papavero - ?
yebellz - ?

I’m suspicious of @李建澔2

Haze + kingkaio = lovers


:man_farmer: :wavy_dash: :nauseated_face:

:frowning: :speech_balloon: :arrow_right: :face_vomiting:

:tiger: :lying_face: :interrobang: :man_farmer: :astonished:


What a relief, I’m free of that cursed emoji disease. However, now it seems that James has feel ill.

Stunning revelations by Maze Lander, which are quite significant if true. We now have two people countering Roy’s oracle claim. If that is false, yet another might come forward as the true oracle.

My interpretations of our situation (the rules) are that the soul snatchers cannot target themselves. Is that right, Miss Sapphire?

By the way, a big challenge that I had yesterday was not knowing how to name people. We should compile a list of everyone’s emoji nickname. I’ll do this later when I’m back at a real keyboard.