Werewolf Game 5.1: Trouble in Steelwater Bog

I don’t think its wise for the protector to come out. The idea would be to then target either the oracle or the protector, and its unlikely we’ll survive a couple of rounds.



It seems you are misinterpreting me. I am not a snatcher. I don’t want to die. I care about dying. I may have bad logic for deciding if I do well in a game or fail, but one of my things is “did I die?”. If I died, there is always something I coulda done better. There is always something I coulda done to save myself without doing something stupid or game throwing.

Hazel may know who a snatcher might be, but they are not a snatcher themself.

both of these are wrong. I am not in love with Kayo S.(or kaos), and I am not a soul snatcher.

I didn’t write a thought on my lover because I just care if they don’t die. As long as I keep them from dying, I did my job. I did mention who it is, and it is kaio but idk their character name so I couldn’t claim that. Like I don’t really care what my lover posts until we get the game farther and then I look at their posts a bunch but so far they’ve just posted a ton of random stuff that doesn’t really seem like it has to come from either alignment so I didn’t write anything about them.

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Yeah, I’m not sure about it either.
I really need to know what Kayo says.

It’s a weird thing to claim if not true.

I got weird thoughts: what if Hazel is a snatcher, so are you, she told y’all about her lover and you decided she’ll be outed, to take at least an innocent with her, as last night you misfired?

It’s a gamble if the real one will contradict you or try to survive the night.

OOC:I thought you misspelled Kayo, my mistake.
Please stick to character names, you don’t have to remember anything, they’re up there in Ruby’s post.

I’m still voting for Hazel in any case, a claim is a claim.
Anyone has a problem with that claim, either come forward or we have to follow through.


In that case she would have told everyone who the lover was before day 2. Remember, no secret chatting between players. Its unlikely since targeting other snatchers would stall the other players for maybe a day or two, but all you’re really doing is hurting your own team.

I’m not sure if Hazel really is a lover or not, but she is one of the soulsnatchers. The real Hazel no longer exists. :cry:


(I seem to be horribly multiposting today, sorry)

I have a thought: let’s say Roy is the oracle. Does it make sense for the protector to protect someone else, let’s say themselves, and let the witch do the resurrection, if needed? I’m droopy from all this thinking, any ideas?

I believe the witch has 2 vials for the entire game? or is it per day

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The entire game, one to save, one to kill. (I think). But if the protector knows the witch will be the final defense for now, until they need to use the vial, they can protect someone else (I suggest themselves).
It would make sense to know who was saved by either, since the night targets are the only innocent for sure, but we don’t want to risk the defense yet.

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Butch had his corpus callosum separated at early age, which cured him from debilitating epileptic episodes. Sadly Butch was also a rare case where the part of the brain capable of logical reasoning was positioned in the right hemisphere. It was an exceptionally gifted part of his brain.

The right hemisphere was horribly afraid of monsters, but Butch’s right side suffered from locked-in syndrome, being unable to express itself to the world, since the ability to speak language was located in the left hemisphere, as usual. The right hemisphere also absolutely hated the Southern American accent. The right hemisphere had a very challenging life…

Butch’s left hemisphere was clear on the matter of Roy’s accusation:

What the Sam Hill, ah knew it!

The right hemisphere saw the situation differently, though:

There are three scenario’s here:

  1. Roy could be the oracle speaking the truth and Hazel is a snatcher,
  2. Roy could be lying and Hazel is innocent
  3. Roy and Hazel could both be soulsnatchers.

It is very important that the real oracle doesn’t get killed, but it is also important that the real oracle stays hidden for as long as is beneficial. In scenario’s 2 and 3, Roy is surely trying to get the real oracle to speak up. If the real oracle does not speak up and gets killed this night, by chance, we will basically have no way to discover if Roy is a soulsnatcher or not.

I think it might therefore be important that the witch will revive whomever the soulsnatchers kill tonight, to make sure the real oracle is still alive tomorrow. This would also mean the protector could choose to not protect Roy tonight, making sure they can protect him tomorrow, in case the real oracle does not reveal themself. This is of course only possible if the witch hasn’t used a potion yet today. If the latter is the case, her identity will be known to the soulsnatcher tomorrow anyways, so she might as well confess right now so we can find another innocent. This might also protect her, since soulsnatchers have more benefit killing a suspicious person than a confirmed innocent person.
Wait, the last sentence doesn’t make any sense. Of course they’d still kill the witch, since she has the other potion. Also killing suspicious people is what innocents should do, not what the snatchers should do.

Meanwhile, the left hemisphere thought nothing more than “Dagnabbit”


How’s that?

If the witch follows my idea, nobody would die tonight, but she’d lose half of her power as well (and the useful half, in my opinion).

If the witch managed to stay alive by using a potion, it’s likely that the snatchers will try to kill her again tonight, which is likely to succeed, since the protector does not know who the witch is.

But, if the witch is likely to be killed tonight because she saved herself yesterday anyways, I don’t see the drawback of knowing who it is: the innocents get the knowledge that the witch is no longer in the game. Also, the protector should absolutely protect Roy if this is the case, but if not, the protector should not protect Roy to make sure that real oracle can be protected tomorrow.

If the witch saved a random innocent yesterday (and not herself), this is likely to be a waste of a potion. I hope this is not what happened…


Well Butch, I doubt the 3rd option would do any good between the soulsnatchers. Remember, this is a blind elimination. There are no points or clues given when someone dies, nor do we know the count of soulsnatchers and non-soulsnatchers. In a game like this, information and trust is key. Even if a person dies we have no clue as to what they said might have gotten them killed or it was just a random kill to throw us off our tracks. The oracle is probably the most important person in the entire game and if there is a “real” oracle they would do the same thing I did: Release everything they know and trust in your teammates that they will save them. Otherwise, what good will it do to hide the facts and on the off-chance get killed by the soulsnatchers?


Certainty is a dangerous thing Butch. Unless one’s confident that what they say can be backed up, no one, not even the soulsnatchers will try to impersonate one knowing ultimate truth. In fact, I declared myself as the oracle 8 hours ago. This should be plenty of time for the majority of the players to view and for the “real” oracle to prove me false. Yet no one has. Since the oracle needs to stay alive and convey information, there isn’t much purpose to reveal oneself after 1 or a couple people die. Besides, the collective can only vote 1 person. It would be better for the oracle to speak up as early as possible to convey info in real time, which is exactly what I did if we were to win quickly and stop those soulsnatchers.


If you do trust that I’m the oracle, I would like everyone to vote for Hazel Axeny.

There’s high risk with this move: I will be targeted many times. Soulsnatchers will target and kill the biggest threat in the group: the oracle. Let’s say I’m just an innocent, since no soulsnatcher would try to kill one of their own. Even then, soulsnatchers would be happy to kill off 1 person, reducing the size fast, especially if I’m discovered lying or something.

There’s also high reward with this move: if I can managed to get everyone to trust me, the number of soulsnatchers will be reduced down to 2. I’ll make sure to keep everyone updated on number of soulsnatchers and who’s innocent. This information will then be crucial for all of us to look into suspicious people.

Hope yall can understand and think it through.


Because of this, we should wait with killing Hazel until after you have been killed. If you’re not a soulsnatcher, surely you will die on a certain night. Only at that point can we trust that Hazel is indeed a soulsnatcher.

If Hazel is a soulsnatcher, killing them will not be a priority, since they will become completely confirmed in the future anyways. It’s the remaining two soulsnatchers that will become problematic.

If Hazel is not a soulsnatcher, killing them will be a mistake, and we should instead have killed you.

In fact, a confirmed soulsnatcher is possibly more valuable alive than dead as long as the innocent faction has a large enough majority to kill them when needed. By keeping them alive, they may reveal more information that could lead us to the other two soulsnatchers.

The reason an oracle may stay silent, is to survive for longer, so they’re able to confirm more people. If they give their identity right now, they’ll have at most two more nights to find others. If they give their identity tomorrow, they might have three more nights (if the witch chooses not to use their potion tonight, e.g. if Roy is not targeted tonight).

I say we kill neither Roy nor Hazel until it’s sure whether Roy is the real oracle or not (which will be revealed as soon as Roy dies).


Lets say I figure out all 3 soulsnatchers and tell everyone on the 3rd day. If I were to wait a bit more, then it would take another few days to establish trust. Would you believe me 3 days later I go, I’m the oracle, and I have all three names of the soulsnatchers! Doesn’t seem believable in my opinion. If the rest of the innocents don’t decide quickly in my opinion, it will prove to be trouble in the future.

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No, you revealed your oracle role on the second day, which is the ideal situations for the soulsnatchers. That’s what makes me suspicious of you.

If you’re the real oracle, you will die at night. It will probably be the start of Day 4 when that happens. If we manage to not vote out any innocent people until that time, we will be left with 6 to 8 innocent people and 3 soulsnatchers, at least one of which is confirmed. On day 4, we can immediately vote Hazel out, so we’d start the night with 6 to 8 innocents against 2 soulsnatchers.

On the other hand, if we trust you now, and decide to kill Hazel, and tomorrow decide to kill whoever you may discover, assuming you find another soulsnatcher, and then it turns out that you were lying (by you not dying), we will be down to 4 to 6 innocent people, against 3 soulsnatchers. And worse: we’d still have no way of knowing if you were lying or not if the real oracle had been eliminated in between.

The first option is simply less risky.

I will believe you are the oracle the instant you get killed at night.


Remember that seanp was the original holder of this account, not me. I was thrown in here after the first day ended, didn’t really have no choice.

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Choice in what?

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