Werewolf S06 Kibitz Garden

all my answers were straight lol.

and i gave a clue

I’m sorry guys, the dice have spoken:

—Now there @Vsotvep @RubyMineshaft , it seems that you both are placing your trust on the wrong men. One on a cowardly aristocrat and the other on an unscrupulous soldier. Speaking of which, aren’t these your wives down there?


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

OOC: A little explanation. A toy soldier and a domino set were the objects smuggled by El Ka-Oz to Vsotvep’s cell. We’ve been using this little tool.


Must say, even Fiddlehead’s first message today looks like an admission of guilt…


There is a possible outcome here that gets this to Night Phase 7 and I wasn’t ready for it.


On the 7th Night shift of Werwolves, my true wolf gave to me

7 glow sticks,
6 wireless controls
5 roll of stickers
4 wedding rings
3 bottles
2 swords
and an mp3 player on a chain.


KAOS makes quite a compelling argument against Fiddle here: Werewolf S06: An Emperor in Atari - #277 by KAOSkonfused

If I weren’t a kibitzer with access to the truth, I would probably also guess that Fiddle is the assassin.

Right now, I notice that Claire has been spending a lot of time drafting a reply. I think that she should be able to easily keep the vote on Fiddle for this round, but for the next night, the only vote to potentially win over is bugcat’s.

With fiddle gone, it’ll be 3 players left going into the day phase. KAOS cannot protect herself again and knows for certain that bugcat is innocent and the Claire is the assassin. Hence, KAOS will protect bugcat, and the game will depend on whether Claire targets bugcat or KAOS. Of course, if she targets KAOS, the game is over, however if she targets bugcat, he should be saved, and it comes down to the 3-player endgame with bugcat to decide between KAOS and Claire.


Imagine if for some reason KAOS decides to protect Claire…

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If Fiddle is voted out, KAOS knows it’s Claire, though (since, no coward converted, thus it’s not bugcat).


yes, brain malfunction moment :woman_shrugging:


I think @fiddlehead should be invited?

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GG everyone! Also a big thanks to @Gia and @Leira for moderating this game.


Just for the record, I actually planned to kill KAOS tonight, not bugcat.


but what
but why
but how

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Oh well, I guess this is is Valhalla. The Vikings had the true religion the whole time…

“We are tired from our journey! We need mead! And thrall-women!”

BTW, I want to share something I researched when I first watching the Byzantine Empire documentary, about the interactions between Byzantine and Song Dynasty China at the 11th century.

This is a record from the history of Song (宋史), organized in the 13th and 14th century.



It basically says a nation called 拂菻, across many nations west of the Arabs (大食), send an envoy of great importance named 你廝都令廝孟判 arrived in Oct 1081 by a king named 滅力伊靈改撒. Some scholars think this king is Michael VII Doukas

So I took the name derived from Σῆρες (Sêres) - Sericus.

Although I don’t know if there is any record on the Byzantine side to show who was the envoy sent to Northern Song Dynasty or was actually sent by the Byzantine emperor. Or it might be a missionary or commerce mission instead of a political envoy.


Sad to think that my final post was a string of dog turds, but that’s just the way this stuff goes sometimes. Thanks for the game everyone. As usual it was an intriguing mix of logic (well sometimes) intuition and eccentricity.


Why did you find me suspicious, though? :stuck_out_tongue:

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