Most of the players i met in China never use any japanese words. They use their own, not to say that some of them are identical concepts to the japanese ones but pronounced or written quite differently.
I am pretty sure that if you say atari for ex, almost noone will understand (dache in chinese)
昼 (ひる)の后は少 (すこ)し休憩 (きゅうけい)します。.午后 (うまきさき)、しばらく図书馆 (ず书馆)で本 (ほん)を読 (よ)みます。.それから好 (す)きなスポ (すぽ)ーツ (つ)、バトミントン (ばとみんと, this is Jap.
She is patient, but sometimes she will be crazy by my poor pronunciation. When she meets this situation, she will try her best to smile and then teach me patiently again. This is English.
Most Go players in Asia learn to play Go at 6-9 years old, they don’t know much English.
That’s not Japanese, though, but looks like a weird mix of Chinese and Japanese…
昼の后 doesn’t mean anything, perhaps you mean 昼間 instead?
午后 is usually written 午後 and pronounced ごご;
図书馆 is simplified Chinese, in Japanese it’s 図書館.
バドミントン is the correct way to spell the sport. Also, why add furigana for スポーツ and バトミントン?
Also, please be aware that “Jap” is considered an offensive ethnic slur in many places.