Window size recognition

Hi, this may be related to:


but ever since the update 2015-08-23 [4.2-664 (4154)], I am experiencing game and review pages not recognizing the window size properly on smaller screens on laptop.

This capture of a 1024x680px window on “Chrome 45.0.2454.85 m” on Windows 7 SP1 64bit may look normal but notice that the input line on game chat is not showing, being scrolled off the window.

Now when viewing a review or when Analysis Mode is on, it looks like and when I scroll down to type on the chat input line, the top half of the board is scrolled off the window, so I have to scroll up and down constantly when someone is reviewing my game or something that warrants my typing on the chat, and miss the actions on top half of the board often while I am typing.

This inconvenience is not experienced on much larger windows, so it’s a problem on laptop only, but I’d think 1024x680 pixels to be a reasonable minimum window size to be expected.

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