WORDLE 🟩⬛🟨🟩🟨

We are in this house and it was a nice one today!


I don’t know if the German one is easier in general, or just easier for me.

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Wordle 316 4/6*


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I agree. I think “guess mode” would be a more accurate name than “hard mode.” Perhaps there is a strategy for avoiding those situations. But I haven’t been able to figure it out.

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Still at it ^_____^

Wordle 322 3/6*


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This apparently happened for the May 9th puzzle.

However, I didn’t see that answer. I guess I must have tried it after they already changed it.

VERBA 44 3/6


I guess Italian puzzle is simpler than English.
Not so many 5 letter words.
Not so many words that differ because of just one letter.

Anyway I’m happy with my results.

I found a useful strategy in a youtube video, consisting in first two guesses which use the most common consonants and all vowels.
I came up with “abeti” and “scuro”.
They have t s and r and all five vowels a e i o u.
Third guess is often quite easy.


I found Nerdle (was discussed her some time ago) quite interesting :slight_smile: Also I’ve encountered a sick 31-word version called Duotrigordle O_o



Daily Duotrigordle #181
Guesses: X/37
:one::nine: :one::one: :two::zero: :two::one:
:three::three: :zero::nine: :three::four: :red_square::red_square:
:zero::eight: :two::two: :three::two: :red_square::red_square:
:two::three: :three::zero: :three::one: :two::nine:
:two::four: :zero::seven: :two::five: :three::five:
:three::six: :three::seven: :red_square::red_square: :two::six:
:one::six: :red_square::red_square: :two::seven: :one::two:
:two::eight: :one::eight: :one::four: :zero::six:

Practice Duotrigordle
Guesses: 37/37
:zero::seven: :three::two: :three::one: :three::zero:
:two::seven: :two::eight: :three::three: :two::nine:
:two::six: :zero::two: :zero::six: :zero::eight:
:three::five: :one::nine: :two::zero: :two::one:
:zero::nine: :one::eight: :three::six: :two::two:
:one::zero: :one::one: :zero::five: :two::four:
:one::four: :one::three: :one::two: :one::seven:
:one::five: :three::seven: :two::five: :one::six:

Practice Duotrigordle
Guesses: 34/37
:two::nine: :one::nine: :two::zero: :two::one:
:three::zero: :three::one: :two::two: :three::two:
:one::eight: :one::six: :zero::four: :one::seven:
:one::five: :one::four: :zero::five: :one::three:
:two::five: :three::four: :two::four: :two::three:
:two::six: :three::three: :one::two: :two::seven:
:zero::two: :one::zero: :one::one: :zero::six:
:zero::nine: :two::eight: :zero::seven: :zero::eight:

Practice Duotrigordle
Guesses: 33/37
:two::four: :one::one: :zero::seven: :one::two:
:two::five: :three::zero: :one::nine: :three::one:
:zero::six: :two::three: :one::seven: :one::three:
:zero::three: :zero::eight: :zero::two: :zero::nine:
:two::six: :two::seven: :three::two: :two::zero:
:zero::four: :zero::five: :one::five: :one::four:
:one::eight: :one::zero: :three::three: :two::one:
:two::nine: :two::eight: :two::two: :one::six:

anyone still doing the original/NYT one?

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Yes but not every day any more


So I let myself be tempted by this thing. Seems less interesting though as there are so many words that it mostly seems like filling in known letters in other words.
Daily Duotrigordle #186
Guesses: 36/37
:one::one: :one::eight: :zero::four: :zero::six:
:one::nine: :zero::three: :one::zero: :zero::nine:
:two::zero: :two::two: :two::five: :two::four:
:two::six: :two::one: :two::seven: :three::six:
:zero::seven: :one::seven: :two::eight: :two::nine:
:one::six: :one::five: :zero::five: :three::five:
:three::one: :three::two: :zero::eight: :three::zero:
:three::four: :one::two: :three::three: :one::three:

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Wordle 458 X/6*


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Wordle 523 6/6



Today is Thanksgiving in the USA, so I wonder if the solution of “Feast” was planned.



Wordle 668 5/6


#Worldle #456 5/6 (100%)

Oh, wait …

And “Oh, wait …” again:

Thx @yebellz, I‘ve been there almost daily since then :smiley:

Some days I also try WhereTaken:

:camera: #WhereTaken​:earth_americas: #55 4/6

And I really like the smaller nerdles, the “real” one is too much for my allegedly attention-deficitary brains, these I do every day:

micro nerdlegame 231 4/6



mini nerdlegame 458 3/6


Digits is really nice but eats too much time for my taste:

Wordiply is also really nice, but usually I don’t even try if I don’t immediately find a long word. This embarassing result only to show you how it looks :wink:

:star2: Length Score: 66%
:rocket: Letter Score: 10
:link: Play Wordiply: https://www.wordiply.com
:clapper: Today’s starter: 🄸🄲🄴🅂


Anybody still playing these games?
Me flagling every day, any suggestions, something new…
:arrow_right: :arrow_up: :checkered_flag:
Flagle 473, 3/6 by @KveezEN Flagle

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:arrow_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_down: :arrow_upper_left: :checkered_flag:
Globle Unlimited, 5/6 by @KveezEN