When you use a go analogy for approaching women. See https://forums.online-go.com/t/how-was-your-day-regular-part-2/46165/535
Sorry for the big majority of readers without access to the lounge
@Conrad_Melville it is not addiction. I am just trying to stick to the forum theme
@Groin You didn’t miss anything crucial. Just a bit of go terminology fun:
When I borrow something, I like to credit the originator.
Ykyaaga when you misread the logo of a restaurant.
Ykyaga when
Ykyaga when you spend your Saturday night watching a review of your game in a language you have forgotten so much of you only recognize the sentence structure.
you won the internet!
Ykyaga when you spend 1h watching a review of someone else’s game and find it quite entertaining despite the fact that you don’t understand many words.
ykyaaga if you recognize this (truncated) list…
ykyaaga if you recognize >25% of the people on it
(ykyaaga if you are 25% of these people)
Hey, alphabetical order is unfair
Would it be, by any chance, related to that big jpeg banner currently occupying the top of all forum pages?
Do forumites even play go?
Banned for having multiple accounts
glitchy 6 dan.sgf (1.5 KB)
Am I a forumite? This is one of my last games (just go bot). It kinda qualifies as go at times, if we’re generous.
[give context laddie]
That was a supposed 6 dan bot on Just Go, at move 60 I said to myself "No human 6 dan, alive or dead, would play that one dimensional. Then it just started giving charity moves for no reason… then it was basically mocking me at the end so I got all pouty.
Wrong link or clickbaiting?
I can see the calendar page but they don’t have puzzles.