2015 OGS Rengo World Cup (CANCELED)

Hey OGSers,

The admins of The Nova League (TNL) are hosting OGS’s biggest Rengo (Pair Go) event of 2015…

#The 2015 OGS Rengo World Cup! :smile: :sunny: :soccer:

The 64-team, World-Cup-style tournament will start in April 2015, and the final winners will receive huge prizes as world champions! Players of the same country/region or state/province will be able to team up and fight for the final glory!

###The 14-page Tournament Handbook will explain the format, schedule, rules and setup, as well as a few frequently asked questions (FAQ).

This tournament is organized by the administrators of TNL (@xhu98, @crodgers, @mlopezviedma, @Fairgo). Feel free to apply if you wish to become a tournament director as well!




Anyone from the UK want to give this a go?


Provided that there are still open slots, would anyone from Michigan like to participate with me?

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I’m in New Hampshire, and I’m interested in playing.

Anyone in the PEA Go chapter not have a partner? Anyone else in NH?


This sounds interesting. Are there any Austrians here?

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@archpaladin1 I am in New Hampshire :smile:

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Any swede that wanna play with me?.. :confused:

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@xhu98 - I would be honored to ride the tournament director’s coattails to world domination. :smile:

Sarcasm aside, sounds great. Sign me/us up!


@archpaladin1 - Awesome, I’ll see if we can find a substitute player as well! :smiley:


Ummm, could we make a “North America” team?

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Not according to the rules, but that would make finding partners easier. :slight_smile:

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Seeking substitute for USA/South region …

Is “Southern US” ok? I don’t think I can find someone else from my state.

Nevermind. xhu says teams have to come from same state. Might not be possible for me.

Feel free to invite your OGS friends to join the tournament, guys! You have 20 days left to assemble your crew!

@saxmaam, which state are you in?

New Mexico

Callin’ everyone from New Mexico :smiley:

Any rules on citizens abroad? eg. I am Canadian and live in US. Just use province of origin?

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@Quiettimes You can use either province of origin or the current US state you live in as your location. :smiley:

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:frowning: No rules lawyering available for me as I was born and have always lived in Michigan. One of my parents was from Wisconsin and the other from Illinois, though, does that count?

@Samraku - You are still a part of Team Michigan :smile:

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