The admins of The Nova League (TNL) are hosting OGS’s biggest Rengo (Pair Go) event of 2015…
#The 2015 OGS Rengo World Cup!
The 64-team, World-Cup-style tournament will start in April 2015, and the final winners will receive huge prizes as world champions! Players of the same country/region or state/province will be able to team up and fight for the final glory!
###The 14-page Tournament Handbook will explain the format, schedule, rules and setup, as well as a few frequently asked questions (FAQ).
This tournament is organized by the administrators of TNL (@xhu98, @crodgers, @mlopezviedma, @Fairgo). Feel free to apply if you wish to become a tournament director as well!
No rules lawyering available for me as I was born and have always lived in Michigan. One of my parents was from Wisconsin and the other from Illinois, though, does that count?