2021 Rating and rank adjustments

Thank you so much! :+1: :+1:
Very impressive. Thanks for all the detailed information. And I’m glad that the ranks will stop bouncing up and down so much.


If you’re a DDK, quick, print out this guide on how to break through to 9-kyu, and put it under your pillow. When you wake up in the morning, it’ll all be inside you.



It shows me as 17k. :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

Panic mode is panic. I need to learn Go now.


I’m finally not gonna be stuck at 25.0 Kyu for the rest of eternity!!!


pretty sure I heard this idea from several people long ago

I hope it will be written in kyu/dan this time - instead of glicko points?

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I don’t know in which country you live, but I understand if you’d rather keep it that way.

AFAIK, the EGF rating system started in 1996 as a hobby project of a Czech go player. In 2000 it was accepted as the official rating system for the EGF. Tournament organisers could send tournament result tables by e-mail and he would process those in the rating system.
At that point it had only a very simple web site with a rating list that was updated once a month or so.

Around 2009, a couple of Italian go players took over from him and they created the European Go Database web site around it with automated processing of tournament result tables, player rating histories with graphs, tournament result tables and tools to query the database (such as searching players by go club).

But the bar chart that I posted is not part of the EGD web interface.
Since 2019, I’m involved in an EGF commission for revision of the rating system calculations. For that I recieved a database dump of the EGD from the EGD manager. From that raw data, I can extract all kinds of ad hoc data on my own computer, such as that bar chart (I’m a computer programmer).
I also used that data to run simulations for the upcoming EFD rating system update, as can be seen here: Revised rating list
@Anoek also recieved that data to possibly aid him in developing the OGS rating system update.


Wait how are y’all seeing your “new” ranks?

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Folks are estimating based off of the new formula, plug your old rating in to the new formula kind of thing. That gets you in the right ball park, but it’s not a great predictor since your rating will change as well.


Oh of course that makes sense- thanks!

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Some years ago I became SDK because OGS changed the rank system. I like the idea that there’s a good chance that I am about to become a dan player exactly the same way.


If I become SDK, I’ll we furious. :angry:

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How dare you get better at the game you enjoy! The audacity! :sweat_smile:

You might find mlopezviedma’s comment above helpful…

PS. Welcome to the forums :slight_smile:


Fantastic! I have always been wondering why my ranking was usually improving after a loss against a higher rank

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From what I posted and languages I know, I thought it is pretty obvious where I live right now.

BTW, I have some data as to the number of dan players here in Taiwan of different years, just don’t know how to draw them.

dan level 2011 2015 4 years increase increase percetage 2020 5 years increase increase percetage
1d 5089 6443 1354 26.61% 7917 1474 22.88%
2d 2704 3609 905 33.47% 4551 942 26.10%
3d 1770 2483 713 40.28% 3108 625 25.17%
4d 2330 3262 932 40.00% 4169 907 27.81%
5d 1735 2523 788 45.42% 3304 781 30.96%
6d 1333 2222 889 66.69% 3126 904 40.68%
7d 43 132 89 206.98% 257 125 94.70%
total 15004 20674 5670 37.79% 26432 5758 27.85%

From the largest Go association in Taiwan (棋協), not the only one, but most amateur players report their dan level with their diploma. And unlike rating to ranking system, the amateur dan level like pro dan level only goes up, never down, based on local tournament results. Selected number of winners get to be promoted. So this is more of an accumulated player number including those decades ago. The yearly increase numbers better reflect the active player numbers.

Kyu level players are really hard to cout, probably at least an order of magnitude more. And ranking up to dan level from highest kyu level (1k~3k) is about 1 out of 6. Below that, 1 out of 4 (of four groups 4k~6k, 7k~9k, 10k~13k, and beginners below 14k). Although most participants in these local tournaments are kids, most who don’t rank up usually just dropped at some points growing up.

Active adult kyu players who hit a cap but still keeps playing are relatively few. Here is a participant rank break down in one of the universities tournaments. Probably a fairly good estimate of the distribution for those who would also play online.

universities partipants percentage dan kyu beginners
台灣大學 58 9.11% 38 18 2
國防大學 35 5.49% 6 18 11
逢甲大學 28 4.40% 11 7 10
中央大學 26 4.08% 15 7 4
清華大學 25 3.92% 16 7 2
成功大學 24 3.77% 16 6 2
淡江大學 24 3.77% 9 14 1
大同大學 23 3.61% 7 13 3
交通大學 19 2.98% 12 6 1
師範大學 19 2.98% 6 11 2
total 136 107 38

Great news!

Good to hear about the ranks, too. It will be very interesting to see the results. The rating system was the only weak part of OGS.


I would also be disappointed if I ended up as an SDK as a result of this… Fingers crossed, lol.


You won’t, you’ll end up as an sdk because of your skill at the game. All this will change is whether or not the bug in our code was erroneously hiding the fact that you had already reached this goal.


To everyone worrying that they might not be worthy,
because a number will change

Disclaimer: I don’t remember actually having watched that, if context is questionable, not my fault.


How can it be ddk? An try to imagine amybot dan :smile:

