Becoming 9 Kyu - A Series for Beginners

Hi friends. This is the homepage for a lecture series about Becoming 9 Kyu (source now on YouTube). It’s designed to help you break through to the single digit kyu ranks. I hope you enjoy it!

Lesson 1: Joseki - Principles and Importance Becoming SDK - Lesson 1
Lesson 2: Opening - Preparation for Battle Becoming SDK - Lesson 2
Lesson 3: Tactics - Pivotal Stones vs. Useless Stones Becoming SDK - Lesson 3
Lesson 4: Joseki - One-Point Jump Becoming SDK - Lesson 4
Lesson 5: Opening - Corners, Sides, Center Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 5
Lesson 6: Tactics - Eye-Stealing Tesuji Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 6
Lesson 7: Joseki - Knight’s Move Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 7
Lesson 8: Opening - Big Moves Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 8
Lesson 9: Tactics - Making Shape Becoming 9 kyu - Lesson 9
Lesson 10: Joseki - Attachment Becoming 9 kyu - Lesson 10
Lesson 11: Opening - Two Rules Becoming 9 kyu - Lesson 11
Lesson 12: Tactics - Destroying Shape Becoming 9 kyu - Lesson 12
Lesson 13: Life & Death - 1-2 Point Becoming 9 kyu - Lesson 13
Lesson 14: Joseki - Pincer Becoming 9 kyu - Lesson 14
Lesson 15: Opening - Corner Importance & Invasion Becoming 9 kyu - Lesson 15
Lesson 16: Tactics - Connecting Becoming 9 kyu - Lesson 16
Lesson 17: Life & Death - Shortage of Liberties Becoming 9 kyu - Lesson 17
Lesson 18: Joseki - Common 3-4 High Approach Becoming 9 kyu - Lesson 18
Lesson 19: Opening - Approaches & Enclosures Becoming 9 kyu - Lesson 19
Lesson 20: Tactics - Taking Sente Becoming 9 kyu - Lesson 20
Lesson 21: Life & Death - Don’t Respond Blindly Becoming 9 kyu - Lesson 21
Lesson 22: Joseki - Side 3-4 High Approach Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 22
Lesson 23: Opening - The Value of Defense Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 23
Lesson 24: Tactics - Inducing Liberty Shortage Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 24
Lesson 25: Life & Death - Making Ko Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 25
Lesson 26: Joseki - Easy Magic Sword Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 26
Lesson 27: Opening - Playing on the Sides Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 27
Lesson 28: Tactics - Rules for Capturing Races Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 28
Lesson 29: Life & Death - Life by Liberty Shortage Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 29
Lesson 30: Joseki - 3-4 Low Approach One-Space Low Pincer Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 30
Lesson 31: Opening - Principles of Extending Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 31
Lesson 32: Tactics - Reduction Tesuji Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 32
Lesson 33: Life & Death - Mutual Life Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 33
Lesson 34: Joseki - 3-4 Low Approach Two-Space High Pincer Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 34
Lesson 35: Opening - Principles of Extending - Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 35
Lesson 36: Tactics - Net Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 36
Lesson 37: Life & Death - Corner Properties Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 37
Lesson 38: Joseki - Three-Space Low Pincer Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 38
Lesson 39: Opening - Big Moves on the Sides Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 39
Lesson 40: Tactics - Attacking Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 40
Lesson 41: Life & Death - Vital Points Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 41
Lesson 42: Joseki - Two-Space Low Approach Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 42
Lesson 43: Opening - Developing Frameworks Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 43
Lesson 44: Tactics - Sacrificing Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 44
Lesson 45: Life & Death - Ten Thousand Year Ko Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 45
Lesson 46: Joseki - 3-3 Shoulder Hit Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 46
Lesson 47: Opening - Active Play Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 47
Lesson 48: Tactics - Clamp Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 48
Lesson 49: Life & Death - Death in the Hane Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 49
Lesson 50: Joseki - 3-3 Approaches Becoming 9 Kyu - Lesson 50
Lesson 51: Opening - Importance of Reading
Lesson 52: Tactics - Shortage of Liberties to Rescue Stones
Lesson 53: Life & Death - Placements
Lesson 54: Joseki - 5-4 Josekis



Doesn’t this post warrants to be pinned? (I’m not sure I’m using the correct words)


I would probably say “Doesn’t this post warrant pinning?” It’s only because it sounds right; I’m not sure why exactly the ‘to be’ seems out of place there. I would be curious if anyone more versed in English grammar could enlighten us.


You are certainly correct. I will pin it.


Do you happen to be really good at grammar?

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I would say “Does this post warrant a pin?” though, “Does this post warrant pinning?” is also correct.


But do you know why the ‘to be’ sounds wrong? I know it sounds wrong, but I can’t explain why. The sentence “I want to be happy” disproves my earlier hypothesis that the infinitive of the ‘to be’ verb could only appear at the beginning of a verb phrase.

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First, “does warrant” and “warrants” are equivalent, but “does warrants” contains two verbs at war.

As far as the infinitive goes, I would expect that “warrant” simply requires a gerund rather than an infinitive as an object that is a verbal. “Doesn’t this post warrant pinning?” “Doesn’t this post warrant being pinned?”

Both “pinning” and “being” in these examples are gerunds (-ing form of the verb). In many cases the gerund and the infinitive are interchangeable as objects, but not for every verb.

In the case of “I want to be happy,” 'want" is an example of a verb that takes an infinitive as a verbal direct object.

Does this help?


I can’t think of a better argument, so unless someone comes up with one, thanks for solving the dilemma, tinuviel. :slight_smile:


Thanks, this was very helpfull!

Totally OT

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Thanks for creating this great resource. However, I am having a problem that is probably easily fixed. The comment box where there is written text is rather small and difficult to scroll through. For example, when I try to scroll down it goes past the last line that I read such that I miss a line of text. When I go back up it does the same thing in reverse. Therefore, I would like to resize things on the right so that I can read it more easily. Is there any way to do this? Thanks for any thoughts and thanks for this great website.


You can resize the comment box by clicking/dragging the lower right corner of the box.

PS: I would like to continue the series despite being busy. I’ll see what I can do.


Thanks for the very quick reply. That works perfectly and I feel like and idiot.

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When would you suggest to start with this series?
I guess I’m currently about 18kyu and I’m not quite sure whether I should first look for other resources until I hit like 12-13kyu or so.

Is it a good idea to start with this series at my level and if not, what should I try before that?

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The author states in his review that it is best suited for those close to single digit kyu…
But I am gonna take a look anyway :smiley:


Hi, I decided to continue this series. There are some new lectures and updates to past lectures with current understandings and AI error-checking. I hope you all continue enjoying them.


I am here I should not forget that

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I’m here

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