All-in-one democratic go game (how-to)

Rule set in [the game] topic updated with the SPEEDING POLL new rules. (Same as written here).

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For future votes, I think the bar plot showing who voted for what should be used.


Absolutely, I am actually trying to edit the poll
*Edited, sorry for the trouble.

Are we going to use a demo board?

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Yes. As soon as the vote will be closed.

Whatā€™s ultimately the aim of the game? We can vote for the moves for both colors, so itā€™s not likely weā€™re each naturally pulling for one side over the other, right? Maybe some people will aim for the most aesthetically pleasing game overall, while others will just troll? Maybe some factions will form, where some players would actively try to help one color win over the other? Perhaps crowd dynamics and even subterfuge may play a role in steering the course of this game?



Well itā€™s still a game of go, with rules and the goal to win for each color. I canā€™t predict how it could evolve, how players can be both colors and try to win twice. I hope at least it will generate interesting moves and rich discussion using a as democratic as possible system. Let see.
@yebellz. I enjoyed your pic :rofl:


Oh sĆ»re as long as you try to make black win when you play black and white when white, I donā€™t see any problem.
Seems i need to hurry up to publish the updated set of the rules.


Letā€™s say hypothetically that one actually wished to help Black win, but gave the false impression that one was trying to help White by suggesting non-ideal ā€œadviceā€ and maybe even campaigning and voting for suboptimal White moves (like falling for trick plays). Would that be okay?


What about picking your favourite pro game and trying to get it replayed on the demo board


Well if you reach to get the majority for each move, why not? Just donā€™t forget weā€™ll expect a few argument with each proposal.


I am very happy with the participation.

I added the set of rules in the first post. If you have any suggestions please use the how-to topic


Please vote white 2

  • C3
  • C4
  • K10
  • D17
  • E16
  • another move (writen down in this topic)

0 voters

The poll will close 2020-09-06T12:45:00Z

The game is: HERE

More suggestions are still accepted (1/player only), write it or/and vote for it here in the topic down.
I will add a manual count at the closing.


Could you include a link to the game in any poll?



@Groin, so I know you asked for discussion about the voting system to occur in the other thread, but I actually think that system changes and proposals to amend how we vote be conducted here as well.

You deciding how to set up and potentially adjust the system is very much part of the democratic process in terms of how we would come to decisions on where to play. People may also wish to campaign for constitutional reforms rather than individual moves. Some might even pedantically salivate over the prospective voting system debates that could ensue.


Well my idea was to separate the game itself with the debates on where to play, the votes in one topicā€¦ And how we play it in another topic so we can keep a go oriented thread with the game on one side, and keep thinking how to keep the way to play it entertaining for all of us, improve it, suggest other ways for future occurrences in a separate thread.
Iā€™m open for any debate on the rules, for example the settings of the polls, if it would be better to allow more as one choice pro player etcā€¦ At least I keep a motivation to produce some quality talks around go moves and democratic procedures.
I posted some reminders on the rules because itā€™s the start and I want to make things easy, but I hope the content of this thread to be as game oriented as soon as possible.

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I think more people will play if it would be more easy and fast to understand between what and what choice is.
So screenshot of game with possible choices should be included in each post with the poll.


Black 5 to play:

  • C3
  • C15
  • D16
  • K10
  • P17
  • Another move, please precise.

0 voters


Can we see the votes as they come in in the future? I think itā€™s way more exciting to see your choice doing well it poorly, or to wait expectantly to see if a move will make a comeback due to people changing their votes to rally against a minority preference which had the plurality of votes initially. I also think preference voting is nice for this.