Anti-escaping and Anti-stalling features

Even after filling all dame, because of some aji left and attempt to clarify by a player, l won’t call it stalling.

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So what is now the setting of the disconnection timer?

30s, 1mn? (5mn seems not)

I might be wrong but my understanding is that the disconnection timer is still 5m but the opponent can click to take the win after 60s. If they don’t click then there will be the usual timeout after 4 more minutes.


That’s what I recall. Hopefully they revert it to the full 5 minutes


I like having it at 60s when playing 9x9

I don’t think it’s about the board size but about time control. See my previous posts for why I think reducing it from 5 minutes was unnecessary

Hmm, so it seems there are more potential issues which can arise than just the case @Samraku and I previously discussed about this (bolding mine) :

I just came across another case in which this seems to have backfired and helped a player who was continuing to stall, to somehow win the game without having to play out any sequences.

(They were behind and all of the borders had been sealed, continuing to play inside opponent territory (including moves like the 1-1 point), whilst the opponent who was ahead, passed.

Then the server decision’s AI evaluation changed in their favour after some moves with a follow-up they seemed not to see (and I think would be difficult for most 15k to read out, and easily missed), + a pass, and they instantly claimed victory by server decision.

It seems to not be what the anti-stalling feature was intended for at all to change the victory in a stalling player’s favour based on hypothetical situations some of their moves create, which they didn’t and likely might not see at their level, but which the AI sees.

(and presumably evaluates as certain enough to be above 99% certainty, due to all of the borders being closed).

(actually perhaps rather the opposite of what was intended, as it did somewhat aid the stalling, player and not having to follow-up their otherwise potentially useless moves with working sequences)

(It is true that Black owes a move in the upper left in the game linked after the 2-2 point is played, but it doesn’t seem the anti-stalling giving the victory to White when neither player sees the cut sequence is really what is correct in this case.

At the least, both players should have to agree to the status of that area and/or play it out if they think White can do something there.

If both think it’s dead for White, which seems somewhat likely to be the case given that neither player continued to play there – cut or defend at a huge point, then White shouldn’t win the game.)

Perhaps this should be re-looked into and changed ? @GreenAsJade @anoek


This might be solved with a “pause and report” option which unilaterally pauses a game and reports it (for stalling, score cheating (anything else? just things that can happen at the end of a game and prevent the game from ending naturally)), with the game staying paused until a mod checks it out and either declares it a win for one player or the other, or annuls it (the former is an option because the game is only paused, not ended)

In this particular game, Brendix was handicapped in dealing with the stalling, because he was playing with a ruleset that does not allow infilling to resolve scoring disputes. If he had been playing with NZD rules, then he could have just defended everything until it was pass-alive instead of trying to pass the as soon as he could (once it had become clear the opponent wasn’t), and then passed thrice to activate the feature on his side

I think either one of these changes, one of them in the complete control of Brendix, would have prevented this miscarraige of the Antistalling feature

I am for this way too.
Has been suggested many times but didn’t reach any consensus.

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Frankly, I think a unilateral pause will be much easier to abuse in live games.

The solution to the game @fuseki3 shared is simple: only show the “end” button to the player who is passing!!


It could only be paused accompanying a report, so if you abuse it, you’re reporting yourself for said abuse

Yep; I agree; this fix to the Antistalling feature would fix some cases like this with no undesired side effects that I can think of

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A contribution from the chat

[ 6:25]ericosman: I don’t know what you mean about going back. The server said “White wins by Server Decision” and the server ended the game.

[ 7:58]ooo oo: I try to explain: there was a bottom to accept the server decision. I ignored it an played on. after a mistake, I went back in game history (left arrow), and could then accept server decision.

[ 7:59]ooo oo: that didnt seem correct to me.

[ 8:01]ooo oo: * a button of course