Are you worried about coronavirus?

Medrxiv is a little questionable, becasue they publish before peer review. That practice caused that “COVID19 has HIV parts” conspiracy.

Even that article is "a preprint and has not been certified by peer review:, and can cause issues with people not knowing that it shouldn’t be trusted yet.


Even that article is "a preprint and has not been certified by peer review:, and can cause issues with people not knowing that it shouldn’t be trusted yet.

Exactly, yet Ioannidis (one of the authors) has been quite vocal all this time about “wrong figures” and the death rate being “just like the flu” and so forth. He has already been on TV saying that stuff and now he is back at it again.

Just read the comments in that video. You know that this crows will not care about reading the actual study or the comments or the peer review. They found their “messiah” that confirms their preconception and that is all they need :sneezing_face:

Which is why I said that the whole thing begins. Messianism is a “first come first served” process. :stuck_out_tongue:

I am reading the paper in more detail now, because yesterday I found it after midnight and I skimmed it. Apparently not only they found their target group through facebook but also (I quote) “each adult was
allowed to bring one child from the same household with them (889 children registered)” further de-randomizing the sample since in a virus that is so easily transmitted, if the parent has it and they share the household with the child, then the child will most probably get it as well (and vice versa).

This is so sad that it is actually funny :rofl:


A similar thing is happening with the 5G conspiracy: that both 5G and coronavirus originates from China and thus the coronavirus is just a cover up story to hide adverse effects of 5G. I’m not sure how they think this explains the whole ‘pandemic’ thing, and that people get sick even in areas without any kind of G-network.

As a result of this, some absolute idiots have been setting fire to radio towers in my country (I’m not sure if this is an international trend, although I think it also happens in Belgium).

Even weirder: we don’t even have a 5G network in the Netherlands. They’re burning old 3G and 4G towers, and towers used for other kinds communications, including communication by essential services (police, ambulances, fire fighters).


I think it shows that people have this tendency. Tendency to deny something if they don’t like it. And especially if acknowledging it means you have to change your way of life.

Ha! That’s what they want you to believe.


and thus the coronavirus is just a cover up story to hide adverse effects of 5G. I’m not sure how they think this explains the whole ‘pandemic’ thing, and that people get sick even in areas without any kind of G-network.

I have had this question for more than a month and I have pestered a lot of people in youtube comments to answer that simple, yet obvious question. All of them either:
A) Evaded the question/pretended not to have read it
B) Threw me various curses
C) Doubled down with some other complementary conspiracy that viruses do not exist anyway or something more audacious, so I had to give up any hope of receiving a reasonable answer.

This is how the most recent one is going (wear your facepalm protecting helmets):

Thus it remains a mystery to me :stuck_out_tongue:

One a more serious note, this is a good video explaining away most of those people’s conspiracy theories over 5G:


I was just watching it, and learned that the cell towers are also victims in the UK…

Very relevant episode to these last few posts here

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I only read about it in the UK, didn’t know they started exporting this trend. :roll_eyes: I give it 2 weeks max to reach my country.

I decided I will give any kind of such lunacy zero engagement. No views, no comments, no reading time, nothing. They feed on interaction, maybe if we leave it alone it will devour its own flesh and die.


It has been going on since the start of April. We’ve had around 20 incidents already.


It has been going on since the start of April. We’ve had around 20 incidents already.

It would be nice if the punishment for those people would be no Wi-Fi and no internet for them for a year.
No jail, no fines. Just no internet hehehe. :sunglasses:
That might, at the very least, improve the level of conspiracy theories they will be getting, since they’d have to buy conspiracy books again (which are, by far, more eloquent than the tripe found on the internet).



As a German I can tell you that if you have public health care your membership card is also an EU healthcare card. Stuff then just happens behind your back if you show this card within EU.


What do you mean? There are hidden charges?

No. It means you have to do nothing.


No hidden charges. I believe my insurance then just pays the foreign healthcare system behind my back. Should be the same no matter what EU country you are from.


It’s as if you had an insurance of the country you are in.


It’s reassuring, isn’t it? Between different countries, languages, cultures even.
I never needed it, so I didn’t know the specifics, but I knew we had something like that.
That’s why I disagree that USA can’t implement something for 50 states. It really isn’t about the logistics.


Yeah, my card says “European Health Insurance Card”.

I even checked with them about insurance outside of the EU, and they had a deal where you can be insured for medical expenses in any other country, at least up to the cost it would be in Europe, hence I used it in Japan as well (even though the Japanese university wanted me to get insured separately there as well, which I kind of ignored and never heard about again…)



I mean, of all the people… :roll_eyes: