Audio updates

The new sound sound good to me.
Good job :+1:t2:

P.S.: People don’t like them just because it’s a change. I’m sure most of the complainers would not notice the new sound if you would don’t tell.

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I seem to have no stone sound (countdown not tested).
Using Firefox on Linux (Lubuntu). Thanks for continued OGS work.


yes. all of them are a bad immitation, and not usable in a computer environment. first of all the reverb should be processed dynamically if you’re looking for a natural playing sound, and that should be added fairly minimal. yours sound like the artificial sounds of many faces of go from 2005 glued together. instead of focusing on trying to immitate real-life sounds, computer games should focus on functionality, which is audible identification of a stone is played etc. i only see overengineering here.


OK I think I know what’s causing this, and “clicking around” will probably help fix it, maybe. Regardless, if I’m right I’ll have a fix up in the next day or two.


Interesting, yeah there’s no added reverb, what you’re hearing is just direct samples collected. I did collect the reverb from the room, and perhaps I should try and tone that down a bit, but it’s “all natural” so to speak. Adding reverb dynamically sounds pretty bad, I tried that too with isolated sounds.


Did a little clicking around but no result. Will report in a couple of days. Keep up the work!
As mentioned before people seem hesitant to change, hopefully it is not demoralising.


Have you tried to restart your browser. You probably have to “force stop” the app in your android settings or restart your phone. At least for me this worked.


I can’t hear any sounds on Chrome either. I tried restarting my browser, no change. Works fine for me under MS Edge. Feedback:

Stone Sound: It makes me so sad. I loved the previous sound. I’m not even sure what was used to make this sample. But nothing about it makes me think of a stone being placed on a goban. I do not mean to be over critical but this is not good in my opinion.

Effects - Countdown: I do not like how the sound changes as it counts down. Every second it goes between two different ticks. At the end of a countdown the sound gains an echo. I do not like either of these changes in sound. I would much prefer it to be consistent.

I find the way the sound changes to be akin to the blinking red feature of pausing. It is distracting at best and grates on my nerves at worst. The sound itself could be softer. This reminds me more of a chess clock and I would prefer the soft tick of a watch second hand.

Voice: I’m not sure what Claire’s accent is. Byo-yomi sounds almost Japanese, but the rest of her speech sounds like an England born native speaker, performing a very passable American accent. There is an over emphasis of Byo-yomi, which I did not like either.

Voice Countdown: The numbers need to be normalized. They are spoken with different levels of intensity, some are harsher than others, and it seems (maybe I’m imagining this) like the numbers get louder as the countdown gets closer to 1. I think the voice should sound calmer. Being in the middle of a game when a countdown starts is unnerving enough. You worry, maybe panic, stress, and feel anxiety. The voice should be soft and even. Variances in volume, intonation, and force of delivery are all potential distractions.

In General: I think that sounds should be soft and not stand out. When playing the player needs to concentrate and not be distracted by anything. Sound is a great way to draw someones focus away, even if for a moment. If that sound grates on the nerves or is unpleasant, it hurts rather than adds value to the playing atmosphere.

I love that you are trying to expand the sounds and I wholeheartedly want to see this continue. This is my feedback on what I see now. I’m trying to be criticize, but not critically so. Just to offer serious feedback. I definitely think the sounds have room for improvement :heart:


A sensitivity bar: one side for gentle, feather light stone placement for unsure, timid plays. Like a snow flake falling upon the goban. The other side: forceful, earth shattering and slamming placement for the bold, the brave, the proud, the wreckless.

To be clear I never have the sound turned on.


Am I the only person that plays with sound off? Everyone else is either loving or complaining about the sounds, and I wouldn’t even know that it had changed.

Edit: I can’t believe I overlooked the post right before mine :man_facepalming:


^Yes. I mean yes, I also play with no sound.

Indeterminancy. I’m already tuned into all the background noises…

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Placing both shell and slate stones on a 5.5" kaya floor goban, FTR :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the feedback, there will be a v2 of sounds if not a v3 as well.



So force stopped and restarted my phone and still get the same problem. Further investigation:
It works fine on Firefox on my phone;
On Chrome, there are no sounds at all but I can make most of them play (in the settings options) by choosing something in the drop down lists and then pressing play. Just pressing play results in silence. Selecting something from the first drop down seems to make all the sounds with drop down options work.

Hope this is helpful


Looks like Japan’s taken a blow. Slate & Shell + Kaya apparently isn’t an approved combination anymore. Too inauthentic sounding. They’ll be switching to Yunzi and bamboo now.


It is interesting that the main complaint is of the reverb, which is very much so what you hear when you are using shell / slate on a thick floor goban. I’m doing another take trying to reduce how much of the deep reverb I’m picking up from the floor goban, and I’ll add it as a variant (maybe the default) if it turns out ok. I’m also doing another take with a normal table top goban which might be just more familiar / pleasant to some folks, they sound a lot more like those you’re hearing in the youtube video for instance. I did them with slate and shell again though. If it’s still “not right” I can do it with melamine stones, which I have tried in the past and they pretty much sound like the ones in the video, I just threw them away because I didn’t personally care for the plastic sound, but I certainly don’t mind having it as an option if people want it.


I realized that I wish for stone clicks to be louder. They’re pretty mild compared to all other audio sounds.

One of the reasons for this is that in correspondence games I often leave the tab open and can respond quickly when I hear opponent play.


YES, this. Please.


skeuomorphism already has limits. I think you’ve already pushed it too far and gone pretty much in the overengineering area. this eventually made you push something less of quality more buggy. i start a game and i hear game starting voice twice 300ms apart like a weird echo. that’s just one item.

Lol what limits? I mean… Motorola brought razor back… Just turn the voice off. It didn’t take me 10 seconds to turn off some sound settings.

Even in software I think this is hard to argue. Humans want every GD setting and option that we can get + more.

Add more!

I want my controller to vibrate when I play a stone!

I want death rattles when my stones are captured!