"Challenge Links" prototype for testing at Beta - more testing, please :)

Indeed, as the saying goes:

There are only two hard things in computer science: naming things, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors.


I’m trying to figure it out. So far it looks like “most of the time an HonouredGuest joins a rengo game” but I can’t see a rule.

This is what I saw, the first number is the number of players who joined excluding the organizer and the second is the number of challenges I was seeing.

1 (guest account) - 1
2 (guest account) - 2
3 (guest account) - 4
4 (registered account) - 6
Then I wanted to try another guest account but I lost the link :grimacing:

Second attempt:

1 (guest account) - 1
2 (registered account) - 2
3 (guest account) - 4
4 (guest account) - 6
5 (guest account) - 9
6 (registered account) - 12
7 (guest account) -16
8 (guest account) -20
9 (guest account) -25

The first attempt looks like a simple +2 apart, while in the second the increment increases by one every 2, except +2 that appears 3 times.
I keep trying, but in the meantime I post this :slight_smile:

1 (guest account) - 1
2 (guest account) - 2
3 (guest account) - 4
4 (guest account) - 6
5 (guest account) - 9

I stopped here, it seems to confirm the previous attempt and I’m not sure it’s helpful.

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Yeah, that was me :slight_smile:

For me that had nothing to do with any “political correctness” but simply with plain human friendliness, as in “friendly game”.

I find that a “game invitation” is much more welcoming, like, “let’s have some [bloody, if you want] fun”.

“Challenge” is more like—forgive me—wishing the opponent “good luck” at the beginning of a game :wink: To me it sounds sort of arrogant, like someone who challenges a gunslinger while being convinced that they’d of course win.

I take the nick sibicky approach to “good luck”

No, I want the good luck!

That’s why my greeting is always*

Hi :slightly_smiling_face: let’s have a good game!

(For me a good game is independent of who wins)


Well, always when I actually play a game :sweat_smile:

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Can you elaborate on this?

If you have the challenge visible, then you can click the “share” button to get the link at any time.

Sounds like maybe I need another “helpful popup” explaining what that button is.

(It’s not more decorated or labelled because once you know what it is, you don’t want “share” written everywhere all the time).

Yes. If you do that from your homepage you get https://beta.online-go.com/welcome/?linked-challenge=null that obviously doesn’t work.

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anoek: …aaaand this is why we have the beta server :slightly_smiling_face:


I said that also earlier among other things :stuck_out_tongue:

I couldn’t get the “invite only” to work either :slight_smile:

Ah, that’s another bug. :beetle: :lady_beetle: :cockroach: :mosquito: :worm: :microbe: :bug: :butterfly:

I’m onto the multiple copies thing now, can reproduce.


/entomologists have entered the chat

OK, fix submitted.

And this, fix submitted.

“By default, a QuerySet will not eliminate duplicate rows.”




I think I’ve fixed all the bugs I know about.

@shinuito mentioned there might be other things in the conversations above that I hadn’t picked up on - could you re-test those and let me know how to reproduce, if they are still a thing?


I created an “invite-only” rengo Play Go at online-go.com! | OGS if someone wants to try.

Edit: game started, everything ok so far.


  • I can create invite only challenges now: there’s still no pop up or adding the challenge to clipboard, but I can copy the invite link from home page now.
  • I don’t see any errors with accepting the game with a new or existing account. No particular errors accessing profile or settings pages.

(one time I was sent to the home page rather than the game page when accepting a challenge with a new account, but then twice more I did go straight into the game so I can’t say if that will be reproducible)

^^ for non-rengo games, the manage button will still show this message about rengo

One thing I was thinking about is that if you navigate to the play page while logged out, and show ineligible challenges, you can copy the link to a challenge yourself to join and create a guest account.

Is that something that we want, and if so should it be streamlined?

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Well I’ll be darned - this happens to me now too.

Thankfully, it even happens on my dev machine, so I have a chance of finding out what is going on…

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I tried this link, but maybe its already expired? it took me to a page showing ongoing games with no obvious way to join or any message indicating any error.

i dont have an account on beta

Sorry I started the game.


ok, good its working.

@GreenAsJade perhaps some kind of prompt/notice if someone tries an expired invite?


I’m wondering if it’s pertinent to allow guest accounts for correspondence games. The “honoured guest” might not be able to come back and play a move.

I think if they play to play correspondence they will want to set a password for themselves.

I believe in the near future there will be extra instruction on how to do this presented to the guest as kind of pop ups.