Chat page revamp, per-group game lists, and game list filtering

no they’re the same. one button in two locations.

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I mean “cross” Leave Channel and Leave Channel on top right notification menu.
I can Leave Channel on top right but the channel would still be in my channel list on the left.

And I can “cross” Leave Channel and still have notifications about it.

So there’re two ways to leave channel. One erases it from the list. And another controls notifications.

Which is confusing.

First of all: AWESOME!

Then … funny thing:

Every time I switch between German and Help channels, my entries in German channel gets duplicated in the Help channel :-o And it’s getting more every time I switch back and forth again.


I’m skeptical about this one, doing it would add 2 more buttons to clutter things, and might just generally be confusing… I haven’t really heard complaints before about it so I’m not sure if it would be well received or just add more ux overhead

If you don’t like buttons, could you give them both draggers like the barrier between games and chat has so each user can set their own desired width?

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Could be, makes things kind of thick though

Just a css option isn’t it? Surely you could have a dragger on a thin bar?

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But then people don’t know it’s something dragable… of course, I guess enabling and keeping them thin wouldn’t be any worse than what it’s like currently


Honestly, until you mentioned it, I never even noticed that the draggable bar was thicker… I found it because when I moved my mouse over it it changed from a pointed mouse to a dragger mouse :stuck_out_tongue:


Draggable things are bit annoying to use. I think I would prefer no buttons like on the main site to draggable things.

Draggers make website content kind of floaty. And you can accidentally move these borders. They feel bad.

And fully hiding left and right panels would be annoying with dragsters. Or will we duplicate dragsters with buttons still?

How about smarphone users? Are they easy to use with touch devices?


I find it totally OK if some features stay “invisible” until people discover their need for them :slight_smile: And then they will realize how the mouse pointer changes.


I suggested draggers because he said he didn’t want hiding panels… hiding panels was my first preference.

Smartphone users can hide the panels, so shouldn’t need the draggers.

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Superb, I am looking forward to this :slight_smile: should liven up kibitzing a bit :slight_smile:

A few more details I have noticed in no particular order:

  • There always seem to be one room I am unable to leave no matter what. Usually it seems to be my mother tongue room so browser language? I do not care for it as it is mostly empty and just takes up my space.
  • When no games fit the filter the page counter shows 1/0 which does not really harm anyone,but is kind of funny. :grinning:
  • How does it work with the refresh button? I imagine people won’t be clicking it every minute, ia there some sort of auto-refresh?

On that note, how hard would it be to list beside each game how many people are spectating it / connected to game chat?
That’d be a really useful feature!

Also, the ability to list special review / demo boards in the case of relays of live international tournaments would be a sublime addition


It simplifies a few things, but the real reason is I want to see if it will help bootstrap some of the other language channels - for instance google analytics reports about 100 czech speakers last week, so they’re there! But it’s not fun hanging around in a chat channel all by yourself, so everyone just leaves. We’ll see, if people complain a lot and/or it doesn’t work, I’ll add in the x.

Counting is hard!

We don’t auto-refresh either page because it can bump games off the list, which if you have list view, no big deal, but I figured if you’re there watching games then it’d be annoying to have the graphics jump around and get added/removed constantly.

Also I need to feel out how much load all of this is going to put on the server, the filter system isn’t cheap


Thanks for the reminder, I was meaning to add that in

That capability I’m saving for a broadcast / tv kinda page


I think it is just because they aren’t finished with it.

Something fishy going on with links to chatrooms. They get broken in the chat, for example is 2 separeate links when posted in the chat. First part of the link ( gets you to and /group-1/ takes you to

Also seems like those topics are not affected by profanity filter, meaning that you can see every dirty word on topic despite having profanity filters on.


Perhaps a more uniform look in game list would be helpful?
For example, make all clocks use 12 font, at the moment it looks slightly uneven with some clocks with 12 font and some with 14 font.


Thanks for all the feedback @S_Alexander, notably better now.

@BHydden spectator count is a bit of a can of worms, it means very different things for correspondence and live, I’ll have to reconcile that a bit on the backend. I’ll get to it as I figure out how to notify people when opponents are talking to them on games and that sort of thing.