Codenames Pictures #1

Thanks for the game to everyone.

I wanted to guess E5 as the dark picture as well. However I’ll respect dibs from @Jade_9000 , and bet for A2 instead.


The dark image was inside us all along.

But I’ll guess B5 just for the sake of it.


The Dark picture has go stones and a go board on it


Also, congratulations for successfully identifying several of the prompts:

  • B3: Einstein and Confucius playing a game of chess
  • C2 Androids dream of electric sheep
  • D3 Snakes and ladders

Solution grid with nice little coloured squares thanks to @_Sofiam :


There is everything in Marvel Comics. Any public domain reference which has something similar to “superpowers” or “magic” has appeared in the comics at least once. With many many many superheroes each having their own series with one new episode per month in the past 7 decades, they need a lot of characters to be allies or enemies of the heroes. In particular, every character from every mythology around the globe, and from every superstition, is featured sooner or later: all gods from all pantheons, Mephisto, Djinns, Mermaids, Frankenstein, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, the Yeti, the Loch Ness monster… In fact many of these have inspired more than one Marvel character. For instance Jekyll/Hyde is an obvious inspiration for the Hulk and for Hank McCoy/the Beast, but there are also several characters called Dr Jekyll or Mr Hyde.

Note that the plot of frilm Avengers: Endgame is centered around time travel. So, perhaps D1: the hourglass could have been a possible guess.

I think “endgame” also sounds a bit like “Ender’s game”, a science-fiction novel, which could be a hint for A2: the space highway, or C2: androids dream of electric sheep.

But given that there were 2 games of go and 2 games of chess remaining in the grid, I think the 2 most obvious candidates were a game of go and a game of chess. Although in my opinion, B3: Einstein and Confucius play chess is closer to endgame than A4: Big Ben in the shape of a chess piece. Because the chess pieces in A4 appear to be arranged on the first two rows of the board, which is how they are at the beginning of a game of chess, not at the end.


I think I forgot to comment on this after the game was finished, so here we go.

Thanks everyone for playing, and for my team mates for being so great at understanding my hints.

Especially @Leira seems to know exactly what’s going on inside my brain, it’s almost eery how close their analysis of my intentions were.

I originally wanted to give the hint “Bunny, 2”, because I thought that E2 kind of looked like an underwater goban with a bunny sitting in the background. However, due to the Blue hint being “Mammal”, I didn’t want to remove any potential candidates for that.

I chose the first hint because I felt there were only three reasonable candidates: the Crocodile and the Pterodactyls are both scientifically solidly described as “reptile”, and while a dragon usually has the looks of a reptile, there isn’t really any reason why it should be, since it’s a nonexistent creature, as far as we know…

I did expect at least one of my team members to object to dragons being classified as reptiles, since I knew I was dealing with people who have experience with mathematically precise definitions (and that they were aware of this as well).

For the second hint, I wanted to give a hint to both of the board games that were red, but I had to avoid the Zeppelin at all cost, and preferably the 9x9 game and Einstein & Confucius. The Zeppelin is clearly not in any state of finishing the game, and the 9x9 game looks like it only has Black stones on it, and perhaps a turtle shape. Both the underwater Go game and the chess game looked like they were in advanced stages, the Go game is obvious, but the chess game has Black pieces scattered over the whole board. Einstein & Confucius seem to be playing a game with some pieces that resemble chess, but I thought it wasn’t clear enough to figure out what game it was, or if they were sharing their collection of waterpipes.

For my last hint, obviously I wanted to hint towards the smurfs, but I also wanted to give confirmation that my team was on the right track with the previous guess, thus I gave the number 1 and didn’t try to add anything to the previous hints.


Also, I will gladly play another round, or host one by generating images. :smiley:


Zeppelin reminded me of the Hindenburg (maybe because some stones were falling off) and I thought that could mean endgame. :sweat_smile:


If you can learn from my experience:

  • I tried to mesh at least two concepts into each image. Sometimes it turned out really well (you can get a sandwich or a toast of anything), and sometimes I got the two concepts in a boring way (like the hourglass / waterfall which is literally just a picture of a hourglass on top of a picture of a waterfall) and sometimes one of the two concepts was ignored completely (the Pterodactyls image was supposed to be “Pterodactyls and something” and I don’t even remember what that something was because Dall-e/Craiyon insisted that pterodactyls should not share the spotlight)
  • I used a lot of “in the style of (famous painter or painting style or both)” and “in the shape of (something)”.
  • For the pictures with animals or characters, it’s always fun to add adjectives, such as “angry”, “scared”, etc.
  • I drew inspiration from the other AI pictures thread.
  • Sometimes a particular prompt doesn’t give good results, but changing the order of the words, or the linkwords, makes it work better. For instance “A and B” often just gives a picture of A, but if you try “B and A” or “A on top of B” or “A with B” or “A in the shape of B” you’ll get good results.
  • Try crazy things. “Teapoweredrobot” and “Androids dream of electric sheep” are the best prompts I’ve seen so far.

Are we bound by a 5×5 grid, or can I upscale it to 7×7?

I like to make the game challenging by making some promts and then mixing and matching them to create hybrid images in between.

With a larger board, I’m also playing around with the thought of allowing hints consisting of an adjective and a noun.


I always thought that Zeppelin was headed for disaster, due to its undue reliance on an empty triangle.

I should have known that shape was suspicious.


So, I went ahead and generated some new images. A bit more than last time, 7×7:

I can randomly assign 18 blue colours and 17 red colours, as well as 2 dark colours and 12 remaining neutral colours to them, we create two teams and we can start with the next game.

Anybody in?

The second game has now started over here. Feel free to sign up!


How did you do this so fast??


I’m a wizard.


Can we change the coordinate system to put A1 in the bottom left?