Controversial Go opinions

It should be called “Get your rocks off!” since it’s about telling your opponent to get their rocks off your territory but also it’s very exciting sometimes…


I dunno. Japanese stones standard diameter is like 23mm, (chinese a little bit bigger) and here it says 30mm for these demo stones. In my memory, demo boards i used had bigger magnet stones like 50 or 60 diameter (?)
Anyway good you have a fun experience with them, doublesized is surely more confortable when teaching.

Since this discussion resurfaced recently…

…here is my hot take:

KGS is still a larger server than OGS (even though OGS has a larger social network, if you will).

Generally speaking, more games are played on KGS than on OGS, which would seem to indicate there’s still a loyal playerbase that remains despite its decline in the last decade. I have reasonable evidence to support this statement, even though it is quite difficult to ascertain precisely.

So, OGS has been growing since the merge (or even before that), but it’s not quite there yet.

That’s true i think only if you put aside the correspondance games.

KGS is more reliable than OGS.

The empty triangle is a beautiful shape, and deserves more love.

Hence BGA Championship 2015 - game 2

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That is what I used to think as well. To be clear, the only way to know for sure is if there were any statistics on games per month, or games per quarter or something like that. We do not have any such statistics available to the public for either server.

However, what we can do to get an estimate is to account for what I should call “move density”.

Clearly, a live game has a much higher move density. We can assign, roughly speaking, 1 move per 30 seconds since that’s the default Byo-Yomi setting.

On the other hand, we can assign 1 move per day for correspondance games since, again, that’s the default setting with Fischer time.

There are 2×60×24=2,880 30 second periods in a day. Meaning, again roughly speaking, that a correspondence game has 1/2880th the move density of a live game.

So, I’ll take a sample exactly now (as I am writing this):

  • OGS has 111 live games and 27,895 correspondance games running. That is 111 + 27,895/2,880 ≈ 121 in live games equivalence.
  • KGS has 152 games running, all live I presume.

As you see, there is quite a difference. If you do the same test any time of the day, you’ll find similar results.


Well, that’s debatable I suppose. KGS has seen a lot of downtime in recent years.

… a factor will be development. New features → instablility.

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Controversial go opinion:

Having an option to censor a topic that you started yourself by deleting replies that are a) hijacking it (going off topic) and / or b) insignificant.

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You can. Flag OT posts and mods will move them.


Haha, not as controversial as I thought. This topic became a bit tame lately, so I thought let’s put some coal on the fire. But alas, it was not meant to be.

So there are some possibilities, but not as complete as I suggested (only half seriously btw). I would be dependant of the verdict of a moderator.
If a moderator decides it is not off topic enough, the posts will remain where they are.

And insignificant replies (whatever that may be) are not flaggable, I suppose?

If a feature of OGS is not used by more than idk 5-10% of people then remove it to simplify things.


Haha, I gave you a like and then undid it quickly, because I realised that my daily tsumego topic would be “simplified” away to the great digital graveyard.

But simplifying things on the forums sounds great.
Maybe merging more topics?
Or deleting topics that haven’t been visited for a long time?


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Like “restrict rank to dan and higher, even game”? :stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue:


I wasn’t really thinking about the forums. Just more about

As I understand it people get very agitated about their favourite feature that no one else care about. Like NZ rules or being able to change board backgrounds or handicap games and such…


I can very well live without special features and enjoy playing go on OGS the way it is.


It generally is, but it does control a lot of ladders in the game.

That is something I’ve suggested as part of a new go rulesest many months, or perhaps 1 or 2 years ago. I think this should be the standard with having the colours seperated being a common alternative-- alterntive, see what I did there!

Tengen for 9x9 is a good opening because it is unexpected