Detective Go 🔍 The First Game



So, @yebellz?


Sorry for the delay. Got caught up with some other things

Demo Board

Back to you (@martin3141, @Vsotvep, @shinuito)


Now that J16 resulted in a collision, my attention is still at the upper side. I’m thinking about playing N14 or J15.

Capturing the two stones by playing all three liberties is a possibility, but might be overkill. What do you think?

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You could go for that alright. We probably don’t get much new info but we do kind of know the the stones are getting a bit weaker I suppose if we’re stronger.

In terms of the overall board, I’m still unsure whether to strengthen weak stones like j2 or c9 or to place another random stone down to try find yebellz.

So I like d9, j3 or k2/h2.

I guess we can see 6/13 stones (in sliding captured ones, so still possible to other stones are almost capturing some weakish stone/group. I think it becomes a more real possibility the longer we play.

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If I were yebellz, I would use the G15 stone discovery as a way to start something either with B9 or with J2.

How about Martin plays one of the suggestions, shinuito protects one of the weak stones and I go scouting for more stones, e.g. C7, or F8 or J10 or something.

I could also play Q9, this means that either my stone or the stone at Q8 will be captured before the other one, since they don’t have shared liberties


I guess I’ll go for d9 because that sides a bit wider.

N14 or j15 @martin3141 ?

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I play N14.

I’ll go for Q9, then, just in case, if that’s alright with you both.


Sure, no objection.

@yebellz here are our moves:

yellow D9
green N14
blue Q9


Demo Board

Your turn (@martin3141, @Vsotvep, @shinuito)


gasp Looks like yebellz is trying to do something in the top-right! :scream:

I request backup!

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Well if no stones attached to the n14 stone are visible , we could take the n14 stone?

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@yebellz I play O14.

Ok, let’s see. I could play something like M15 to try to reveal more? There’s definitely more activity at the top than ideal. But, I’m also afraid this stone is still from a previous attempt, and that yebellz is actually on the bottom or on the left.


Yeah I’m not sure either.

On the one hand if we capture the stone, the move was kind of wasted by yebellz unless it was some kind of distraction stone.

On the other hand we are spending a stone on possibly a distraction.

Although there’s still at least 4 stones on the topside f16, h16,j16, n14? There was two captured already and I wish I was just writing down round numbers as we went along :slight_smile: Maybe 14-5=9 stones unaccounted for?

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Fellow detectives,
I’ll leave it up to you where to go. I fear I have already forced my preferences onto you too much in the past. We are a team afterall. I trust and support you. Let’s catch this fugitive :+1:

I’d like to play J3, but it would be a bad outcome if it turned out secretly you whole corner was being captured.

So I’m happy enough to help capture this n14 stone, say by playing m14, it’d give you an extra liberty.

If @Vsotvep does play say m15, you can still capture the n14 stones yourself next turn and I can move elsewhere :slight_smile:

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If there’s already M14 being played, I’d rather play K4 or B9 or so to protect the bottom.

We atari the N14 stone with O14 and M14, and if it tries to escape next turn we can focus on capturing it then.

I’m playing K4, then, I think.

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I’m not worried about it escaping. I’m worried that n15 and n16 stones can be captured invisibly.

What I mean is, is that they could be in atari for a few turns and we wouldn’t know about it. They could be captured just when we discuss coming back to that corner for instance, or say if a stone is discovered, or when the p14 and q14 stones are also invisibly in atari.

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