Diplomatic Go 🗡 The First Game

the pm that was supposed to be my malko log pm thread. I then got rid of it because I don’t think I’d stop talking about discobot posting their default post about 4 times for no reason.

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Round 6 has been extended by 24 hours

The new deadline is now 2020-08-21T00:00:00Z

@李建澔2 has been deducted an “extra day” and now has zero extra days left.

All players may continue discussion and change their moves if they wish.

There will be no second extension. Failing to submit by the extended deadline will result in your move being counted as a pass.

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Round 6 had ended

Here is what happened:

white@HHG’s first choice was indicated as B5, which collided with a preexisting stone, however they received their second choice at C7.

All of the other players successfully placed a stone at their first choice.

Editable board

Round 7 has begun and will end on 2020-08-22T00:00:00Z


Uh can I resign?i think I lost.(I mean like I lose right away.

What do you mean you lost? You haven’t lost a single stone yet…

Perhaps someone would like to take over if you’re not interested anymore?

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It would be disruptive to unilaterally resign or just abandon the game. You may vote to resign or for a draw that excludes yourself, but that does not end the game or your commitment unless a consensus is reached in voting from all of the players.

However, since it seems that you have lost interest in playing, I will seek a replacement player, unless you indicate that you wish to continue and can maintain the playing pace.

All, if you are interested in joining as a replacement, please send me a private message.

Due to the potential shake up of replacing a player:

Round 7 has been extended by 24 hours and will now end on 2020-08-23T00:00:00Z

This is just to ensure that a replacement has enough time to get into the game before their first deadline.

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@李建澔2 has indicated to me via private message they are “not resigning”.

I’m still trying to seek clarification about whether they remain committed to finish the game and regularly meet the deadlines, however I have not gotten a clear response. For now, I will continue with @李建澔2 as part of the game, but will be ready to remove them if there continue to be participation issues.

I have arranged for a replacement player to take over the yellow position, in case that is needed.

However, if anyone else wants to join the list of backup replacements, please send me a private message.


Round 7 has ended

Here is what happened:

All players placed stones at their first choices.

Editable board

Round 8 has begun and will end on 2020-08-24T00:00:00Z

Oh crap my stones are dead.Unless someone eats le4tc.

They are still not dead if you can have a collision on the capture.

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I’m sorry, I didn’t have time to prepare a move today, so I’m spending a time period.


Round 8 has been extended by 24 hours

The new deadline is 2020-08-25T00:00:00Z

@Vsotvep has been deducted an extra day and now has two extra days left.

All players may continue discussion and change their moves if they wish.

There will be no second extension. Failing to submit by the extended deadline will result in your move being counted as a pass.

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Round 8 has ended

Here is what happened:

  • blue@Vsotvep, white@HHG, and black@Haze_with_a_Z played at their first choices.
  • yellow@李建澔2 and red@le_4TC collided on their first choice at H2.
  • red@le_4TC played on their second choice at D2.
  • yellow@李建澔2’s second choice was at G2, colliding with an already existing stone, and their third choice was at C2, colliding with the stone already played by white@HHG.
  • Hence, yellow@李建澔2 did not successfully place a stone in this round.

Round 9 has begun and will end on 2020-08-26T00:00:00Z

Just to be clear, here is the current board state:

Editable board


sup vsotvep, I see you here.

Things are starting to become pretty violent in the lower right, it seems… Meanwhile HHG is just unopposed in their claiming of the left side.

Hi Haze, I see you’ve started your fourth unconnected stone :slight_smile:

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I’ve noticed that some players are getting frustrated at the Discourse system, which imposes a minimum character limit on private messages, when submitting their moves to me.

Simply typing the moves as a list, e.g.,

  1. X1
  2. X2
  3. X3

seems to not be long enough. However, if you add a few words it is okay.

I recommend that players add something like “Moves for Round Y” as a prefix, which seems to be enough for the PM to work.


It was a joke.


Round 9 has been extended by 24 hours

The new deadline is 2020-08-27T00:00:00Z

@Haze_with_a_Z has been deducted an extra day and now has two extra days left.

All players may continue discussion and change their moves if they wish.

There will be no second extension. Failing to submit by the extended deadline will result in your move being counted as a pass.


Sorry everyone. Kinda been just like meh on a lot of things today. I’ll try to do better in the future and be on time.


Round 9 has ended

Here is what happened:

All players placed a stone at their first choice.
Three stones belonging to yellow@李建澔2 (at G5, G4, H4) were captured.

Round 10 has begun and will end on 2020-08-28T00:00:00Z

Just to be clear, here is the current board state:

Editable board