[Games] 1st OGF rengo 19x19 tournament

Moving the new game previews to another thread while there’s loading issues

(I forgot I was round robin when I suggested it.)

List of games
Please do not kibitz on ongoing games.

Show games

:black_circle: Team 2 vs. Team 1 :white_circle:

:black_circle: Team 3 vs. Team 1 :white_circle:

:black_circle: Team 3 vs. Team 2 :white_circle:

:black_circle: Team 4 vs. Team 1 :white_circle:

:black_circle: Team 4 vs. Team 2 :white_circle:

:black_circle: Team 4 vs. Team 3 :white_circle:

:black_circle: Team 5 vs. Team 1 :white_circle:

negative 6.5 komi

:black_circle: Team 5 vs. Team 2 :white_circle:

negative 6.5 komi

:black_circle: Team 5 vs. Team 3 :white_circle:

negative 6.5 komi

:black_circle: Team 5 vs. Team 4 :white_circle:

:black_circle: Team 6 vs. Team 1 :white_circle:

handicap 5

:black_circle: Team 6 vs. Team 2 :white_circle:

handicap 5

:black_circle: Team 6 vs. Team 3 :white_circle:

handicap 5

:black_circle: Team 6 vs. Team 4 :white_circle:

handicap 4

:black_circle: Team 6 vs. Team 5 :white_circle:

handicap 2

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I updated the initial post with embedded games. It’s pretty slow to load…any ideas @benjito?


Neat! and huh. Maybe embed codes should set loading=lazy?

EDIT: Aw poop. discourse doesn’t respect that attribute anyway.

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Doesn’t work for me.


In fact I logged out and logged in again on the forum and now it works.

Hmm… No it’s broken again and logging out and in doesn’t work anymore. I have that problem on Firefox, however on Microsoft Edge it’s apparently all right.


It half-loaded once, snapped and hasn’t loaded again.


Could someone move the embedded games from the first post and the comments about it in a new thread?

(we can move the games back in their rightful place when it’s figured out)

It’s working for me (chrome on Android) and gives me the chance to ask my Rengo noob question I think.
Which players are shown when? I.e. it shows “player+1” and I suppose at some point out changes to “otherplayer+1” but when/why?

I suppose the player to move is shown on the team whose move it is but is the opponent shown the player who will move or who just moved?

From my experience it shows “player to move+1” vs “player to move next+1”.


Please keep it as a wiki so we can experiment!

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Show games does show the games but the board size is not fixed, it constantly (in a high tempo) changes size.

Safari 15.1

And after updating Monterey to 12.4 it does.

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I was offline for a bit, but also it was hard to move them, and even to edit to turn into a wiki.

The page kept either crashing or refreshing on me on mobile

@benjito any ideas?

I’m still not sure what the problem here, but I think @Atorrante gave a really good hint. Makes me think it has something to do with the ResizeDetector

Another clue:

  message: "",
  result: 2147500037,
  filename: "https://cdn.online-go.com/goban/0.5.94/goban.min.js",
  lineNumber: 2,
  columnNumber: 0,
  data: null,

I wonder if this has something to do with the fact that the iframes are hidden in this thread? If so, maybe it’s possible to fail gracefully until the iframes are shown…


so yeah just tried 15 games outside of a details dropdown - it’s still super slow, but I didn’t see any broken iframes. I’m thinking the fix looks something like:

    const { width, ref } = useResizeDetector();

+   const width_is_valid = !!width && width > PADDING;

    return (
        <div className="goban-embed" ref={ref}>
-           <MiniGoban id={game_id} displayWidth={width - PADDING} openLinksInNewTab />
+           { width_is_valid && <MiniGoban id={game_id} displayWidth={width - PADDING} openLinksInNewTab /> }

Or alternatively, set width if it’s invalid:

    const { width, ref } = useResizeDetector();

+   const actual_width = width && width > PADDING ? width : DEFAULT_DISPLAY_WIDTH;

    return (
        <div className="goban-embed" ref={ref}>
-           <MiniGoban id={game_id} displayWidth={width - PADDING} openLinksInNewTab />
+           <MiniGoban
+               id={game_id}
+               displayWidth={actual_width - PADDING}
+               openLinksInNewTab
+           />
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