what happens now? we both fill in our territory?
Yes, although one player could resign if they counted that they’re behind.
so let’s count i guess
I know, I’m just slow at counting
Thanks for the game everyone! this is pretty awesome and strange - 10/10 would do it again
I’m think that I probably should have made the move to kill black in the upper-right earlier. Maybe I could have made a small one-eye living group there?
Thanks for the game, and forgive me for my kamikaze attack @le_4TC
That was quite fun! I think there are some things that make capture-go sligthly more well-behaved than regular go in the multiplayer format (like teaming up on one player just to capture a single stone often leaves your own stone vulnerable).
I also really enjoy the unusal shapes that come up in the endgame thanks to the stones left on the board.
I would definitely like to play more, although I don’t think I would enjoy it as much in a correspondence format. I’m wondering if dipgo.net would work well if we want to try more than 4 players live? (I haven’t really used that page before)
(but also I think 4 players works pretty well, so I’m happy to just play more of the same format)
We were both doomed to go out first I think, so it was probably the correct play to secure 3rd place for yourself
Would it be difficult to implement this on Ogs now that we already have multiplayer support with Rengo?
I think @GreenAsJade mentioned somewhere that extending beyond the “black vs white” constructs of the code would be much more work.
Yes, more than two colors on OGS is probably not going to happen anytime soon. But maybe we could get more colors added on VGS? (going from 4 to 9 is surely a lot easier than from 2 to 4 at least )
(I’ve put the question in the VGS discord)
Good game
I’d like to play too.
whisper I could also imagine this working well with multi-coloured stones
I was reminded of this variant I tried a little bit a year ago:
Anyone up for another game right away?
- I can play right now
- I’d like to play but not right now, some other day perhaps
0 voters
I’m pretty sure if we were to play again, we would play much more loose than we did in the beginning and the shapes would end up even more unusual
Is someone setting up a match?
This endgame is extremely confusing!
Thank you all! The first and last halfs of the game are really quite different