Go Style Horoscopes ☯

Honestly, it’s a really simple process:

  1. Completely ignore the person’s game history and profile
  2. Google “free horoscope [zodiac sign]”
  3. Copy-paste horoscope into this forum
  4. Edit a few key words to Go phrases

I just did that and found a text really similar to the horoscope you made for me! :hushed: Coincidence or a fateful encounter?

(You’re not supposed to tell your secrets, magician)


No one ever likes to see how the sausage gets made


The reason for this is that when you do see how a sausage is made, you will lose your appetite.


So, out of curiosity, I watched a video

It was quite fascinating and my appetite for sausages remains unchanged, if not slightly piqued.


Wurstkuche is a restaurant that specialises in sausages and beer.
:hamburger: :beer:
Nothing wrong with that.
This documentary is sponsored by this restaurant.
I don’t think this docu gives an honest impression of the meat processing industry.


I’d argue that this might not be 100% true in the modern era (especially evidenced by the above video, it’s not that disgusting).

The quote really has more to do with how sausage was made during the late 1800s, when Roosevelt was president and “The Jungle” was published, as it gave a detailed description of how sausage was made at the time that was so revolting it was said Teddy Roosevelt replaced all the food in the white house, and was a huge push for the establishment of the FDA. As such, the standards for meat packing have since gotten much more humane, and the process less disgusting.


So gald I’m a vegetarian :blush:

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Less disgusting. Does that imply that it is still disgusting?

Interesting info on the expression how the sausage is made for an outsider like me.

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I’m trying to be less bad at Go


I’m a Melancholic Aries Fire-Snake.

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Your mind could be going in many directions, Aries. Direct your energy toward life and death problems that require intellect. Your energy is likely to come in waves, so use it wisely when you have it, and feel free to take a break when you don’t. Tell your opponents that you will be much more productive if you have short breaks in you games in order to recharge.



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Magical events may occur today in the most unlikely games, Aquarius. Perhaps you’re expecting to see some joseki in a certain games. Even if you don’t see them, you will end up finding them in special fuseki in an entirely different game. Let your goal be your main focus. Let the details of the journey fall into place however they will.


I mean, obviously, last Mercury retrogade for 2020 just ended. Things are going to improve.

Also, seems the vaccine will be a Scorpio.


Oh-oh-oh, I have a new one.

I’ll study this after dinner and change my life.

I always find it funny that all the results are “positive adjectives” like those tests that were popular a couple of years ago or so, with the INT-J mambo-jumbo … ALL the results were something to be happy about … that’s not a test. That’s a “we will tell you something nice about you and pretend it’s true” corner of the internet. :stuck_out_tongue:

Challenger, peacemaker, achiever… naaah.
ok, fine, but where are the most common and realistic results?
The nihilist, the couch potato, the “do-you-know-who-I-am?”, the crook, the scammer, the liar and so forth?


Because someone has a sense of humor that matches mine, this popped up

I know Go is better than Chess because, but we have to accept defeat in that we can’t have something like this.

Btw it found me a king.

Οι απαντήσεις που έδωσες δείχνουν ότι θα σου ταίριαζε περισσότερο ο Βασιλιάς.

Είσαι άνθρωπος σταθερός και ολιγόλογος. Δεν σου αρέσει να παίρνεις ρίσκα ούτε να προκαλείς με τις επιλογές.

Σκέφτεσαι σοβαρό πριν κάθε βήμα σου και κάθε κίνηση σου είναι προμελετημένη με ακρίβεια, αφού μοναδικός σκοπός σου είναι η απόλυτη επιτυχία.



What does it say? Is it some sort of personality quiz that says which chess piece you are?

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Just as I expected, I’m totally a Miranda!

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