Important Philosophical Questions + POLLS

Read here:

art is anything an artist wants it to be

OK then what is an artist?

I conclude that the definition of art is:

Art is the creation of a person who creates art.


Art is (also) in the eye of the beholder.


I guess art counts for go players with at least two eyes anyway.


First step is that art refers to different things so we have first to agree we talk on the same thing.

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Today I completed Sporcleā€™s (Name the) Countries of the World quiz for the first time.

I had three minutes at the end to think about the one country I couldnā€™t get (Guatemala). I remembered it with three seconds left.

Unfortunately, immediately afterwards I spilt a drop of coffee on my laptop and it died, so that soured the day. Hey-ho.

Do you play on Sporcle?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Perhaps we could have a Sporcle thread to share badges and so on.

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Important philosophical question:

Who do I have to bribe to keep at least one rated online tournament per year going?

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I guess the Egf and participating countries are just slow to move in the direction of online tournaments.

Thereā€™s an Irish Go League if you wanted to sign up to the IGA :slight_smile: Thatā€™s supposed to be Egf rated (D class I think)

With small brackets ensuring close matches, you will play every two weeks in a double round robin.

Thereā€™s an 11,13,15 kyu in there that I can see.

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Theyā€™re deliberately moving away from them, if you ask me.

Iā€™d love to participate in the IGA one, Iā€™ll ask if I can do so without a membership and pay a fee instead.


In an arena fight between these characters, who would be the winner?

  • Superman
  • Neo (Thomas Anderson)
  • Cthulhu
  • Samurai Jack
  • Tom Bombadil
  • The Thing (from Carpenterā€™s movie)

0 voters

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Clearly Neo, all the others are fictional.


How do you usually end up weeping over a game?

  • It usually shows from the start, I build satisfyingly and I keep it or build disastrously and burn.
  • I start out well enough, but as the game progresses I canā€™t keep up and things collapse.
  • A mix of both, I tend to die in various ways to keep things interesting.

0 voters

  • I build a great thing and take a great lead. There is just this one small little weakness, that I have been aware of since the beginning of the game. I know I should fix it. Thereā€™s time to fix it, nothing urgent on the board, just fix that weakness now. Take gote and fix the weakness. Tens of moves pass, weakness is still there, you can still fix it. I know the only reason the opponent hasnā€™t resigned yet is because heā€™s seen the weakness too and heā€™s looking for the right opportunity to exploit it. But thatā€™s ok, I can easily fix the weakness at any time. Some more tens of moves pass. Weakness is still there. Nothing else is urgent on the board, it just takes one move to fix the weakness, come on, just fix it. Endgame approaches, the weakness is still there, come on, just fix the weakness already. Opponent plays and endgame move in the area of the weakness. I could ignore their endgame move and just fix the weakness. Or I could try to be a smartass and fight hard for the best endgame sequence in that area, even though I know my opponent was not really looking to play the endgame, theyā€™re just aiming for that weakness, just fix the weakness already. Okay, letā€™s just play the endgame sequence, then weā€™ll fix the weakness. Ok, theyā€™re threatening the weakness directly now. Stop fooling around, just fix the weakness. Donā€™t be greedy, donā€™t play a ā€œtesujiā€ for one extra point of yose, just fix the weakness. Just fix it fix it now quick you have to fix it now before everything explode fix it fix it fix it fix it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah game lost.

The other day I thought that teleportation would be more useful than flying, because not only you can move faster but if you really want to fly you can teleport yourself at the height you wish to reach and then teleport back to the ground.

Secondary problem for the linguistics pedants

Now as I write I also have another doubt. Do you teleport on the ground or to the ground? Is teleportation a movement? I ask this because ā€œteleport at the heightā€ felt more natural than ā€œto the heightā€.

Now my question is: if Iā€™m high up and falling at an x speed, would that speed be transferred with me or would my body be teleported without motion?

  • Speed is nullified at every teleportation
  • Speed is transferred

0 voters


My physics is poor, but my problem with teleportation was always ā€œhow do I know I wonā€™t bump into someone else popping same place same timeā€ or ā€œeveryone and all animals will have the bejeezus scared out of them with people popping up here and thereā€.


Sure, ā€œusefulā€ perhaps but sometimes we just like to feel the wind in our hair. I continue to ponder my response to this poll; the teleporter brand and type is unspecified, also Iā€™m undecided on exactly what is teleported. If the Ship of Theseus sailed through a teleporter would its speed be transferred?


Thereā€™s no teleporter, I was thinking about superpowers. My bad, I wasnā€™t clear about that :grin:


Worse things may happen:


The Cronenberg version was an interesting adaptation, but if youā€™re into this kind of movies I really think that the original hit stronger. At least from what I remember, some time has passed since I saw it.


Ah, in this case speed transference is at the sole discretion (and competence) of each caster. My response is non-binary.