Important Philosophical Questions + POLLS

do you ask about virtual simulation of sound or real sound?

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Iā€™m asking about the perception of sound. Doesnā€™t matter if the sound (as in vibrations in the air) exists or not.

perception of what kind of sound? Of sound that you perfectly aware that is not real, or of sound like breathing?


Not breathing, sound with unknown source. For me, I hear continuous, high-pitched sound(s). Itā€™s quiet and therefore usually disappears within other, daily sounds. But if I listen into myself, itā€™s always there.

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I hear my own body, the air passing through my throat, my heartbeat. Also I hear a couple of high pitched tones and high pitched noise. I can make the high tones louder by locking my jaw in a certain way, which also adds some low rumble presumably caused by muscles.

It has never been loud enough to be an annoyance, and Iā€™m also certain that itā€™s been with me for all my life (so also before I started playing in bands and going to loud concerts)


I think I know what you mean and I have noticed that sometimes it is more pronounced.
It is very possible that this is kind of a ā€œwhite noiseā€ kind of thing that we can perceive from all the technology working around us.
Have you tried going to the countryside - in a field or something where there are only plants/forests - and see if you can hear it. I have tried it in a sense and I think that when I am there I cannot hear anything of the sort.

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Iā€™d still hear it, itā€™s independent of environment. I know I hear it when camping in the middle of nowhere, going out in the dark to take a leak and hearing a twig snap a couple of feet away; then you suddenly superfocus on sound, and I remember that I could hear the same high noise.


Years ago, I left Athens for about six months, after living there for years. Iā€™d been away for long vacations and stuff, but never for that long and never for almost exclusively deep countryside. When I got back, while I was getting closer (think Elefsina) I suddenly started hearing a sound, like a buzzing. I realised I was hearing Athens. I never had that experience again, I think because subconsciously I now know that itā€™s there.


Could be tinnitus?


Yeah possibly a weak form of it, since itā€™s not causing me problems so far. According to wikipedia

Nearly everyone experiences faint ā€œnormal tinnitusā€ in a completely quiet room;

ā€¦ but who knows if thatā€™s really true, hence the poll.

I havenā€™t intentionally tried it, so I donā€™t know if Iā€™d still hear it. But I strongly suspect that I would still hear it. In fact itā€™s the quiet places where Iā€™m most aware of hearing it :sweat_smile:


Ha, I forgot my tinnitus when thinking about the question. ;).

Depending on how stressed out I am, my tinnitus is very loud or rather faint. It actually comes automatically when your hearing gets worse - thatā€™s what my doctor told me. My hearing is not bad enough that I would need a hearing aid yet, but itā€™s still unusually bad for my age (itā€™s inherited; has been the same for my mother), and I canā€™t hear high frequencies anymore - e.g. I canā€™t hear crickets chirping, but I have tinnitus at around those frequencies.



  • Delicious
  • Ew
  • I have never eaten olives

0 voters

I donā€™t mind them as an ingredient or element in cooking, but just like mushrooms theyā€™re horrible just on their own.

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Iā€™m on the other side of that, I like them especially on their own, I think they donā€™t go well as a cooked ingredient.

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It really depends, from their preparation.
When in brine, sometimes they end up too salty.
Other times when ā€œsmashedā€ or ā€œslashedā€, they can end up too bitter.
When vinegared (iirc), they can end up too mushy.

Overall they are nice though :slight_smile:

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I didnā€™t know that some people donā€™t like olive.


Like olive oil, hate olives.


Maybe a distinction should be made between green and black olives? (I prefer black.)

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