Following this thread Long & live go Dojo 🏯 I played a LL game against @FinrodFelagund. The game was without komi, I was Black, and time controls were 2h + 5x20s. We played for 2 hours, then took a 2h break. I prepared myself for another 2h marathon, unfortunately I had to resign 30 minutes after at move 119. Nevertheless, several positions were quite interesting and worth reviewing.
This move is the first significant mistake by White, although I didn’t manage to punish it.
I hesitated between the kick E2 and connecting my stones with F3. I chose the kick, thinking that if White extends then I can play kosumi
and if White jumps then I can clamp.
The last diagram corresponds to the game, however White had a better response:
So Black should have played like this
move 10 being necessary otherwise the stone 6 can be captured. Black loses a few points but gets a strong group, damages the lower right white group, and gets sente.
If White 6 is an atari at E3, then Black can let White capture!
Then White has either to live with 2 points while being completely surrounded, or crawl on the second line towards the right.
Coming back to the previous position, Black has sente to take the lower right corner. White can’t really block Black because after this sequence,
Black can play A in sente, threatening B.
The following move is a mistake:
White doesn’t need to respond and should play A in the diagram below. So instead of the game move, Black should have played B.
The followup of B is this sequence:
In this position my first thought was to play A but after overthinking I played B. This was the beginning of my problems.
In this position the lower right corner is a dead L-shape, yet the position is about even. The reason is that Black can play A, threatening B or C.
If for instance White prevents the connection with B and Black plays C,
Then if White cuts with 4 then Black 5 lives since White cannot protect A and B at the same time.
If instead of cutting White plays hane, Black can live with B or capture the whole group with A in the diagram below:
The last position of interest is this one:
Since the ladder didn’t work I thought I would squeeze with N7. However Katago prefers playing out the non-working ladder:
If White A then Black B. White’s dragon is not alive so Black can make profit by forcing a capturing race, using the fact that C can extend Black’s liberties in the forner.
If White B then Black A. The white central group has an eye but one eye is not enough to live so Black can continue to make profit by attacking either white group.