I’m not sure what Martin really wants on the right side. B2 is really a big setback; it gives more territory to Piggy and reduces Martin’s liberties at the same time…
I’m not entirely sure M4 has any other goal than to capture the M3 / N3 stones, though… So it’s a bit like helping Sanonius on one side, just to capture on the other…
Wanted TO help. He said in kibitz log 14, that he will help Sanonius’s M3 group stay alive by playing M4. So Haze cannot kill it. But Haze didn’t play M4, so le_4TC just instakilled his stone…
The NBTO is the North-Board Treaty Organisation, an alliance between Piggy, yebellz, Maharani and le_4TC. Interesting, since there has also been talk of an alliance between le_4TC, bugcat / Sanonius and Haze, although that doesn’t seem to be as strong, since it appears that le_4TC is hoping to remove Haze, and Sanonius and Haze are currently in a struggle not to be eliminated next…
I really like this post. He has nothing to lose, Haze has other things to worry about. But it ensures that no one will play the same move and shows openness. At the same time facilitates everyone else to turn on Haze (as most of them were going to anyways). This is his best chance to get some eyes. Great decision, sir!
P.S.:PiggyStardust answered “ok, but why here ” (if I remember correctly), but deleted it. I guess because it communicates insincereness.
Just got an intriguing move submission from yebellz, who chose E3 as their move. If I were to guess, they’re planning with Piggy and probably Maharani (who both have not submitted yet) to capture Martin’s T-shape. If not Maharani, I’m sure Sanonius could be convinced to help, since Sanonius has C1 as their first move, with the message that “it’s time to leave the show with a banger”.
Update: turns out yebellz changed their move to H2, and Piggy just submitted moves that are not playing towards capture
Aw, that would be really interesting though! Maybe yebellz is thinking it’s really Piggy who gets the main benefit of it, and long term it could be yebellz vs piggy.
Looks like it was le_4TC being the one who didn’t like the plan.
Sanonius has not submitted a new move yet, so it may be that they’re playing C1 anyways. Combined with Piggy and Martin likely colliding at B1 (since that’s what they submitted) and Martin playing M1 as their second choice, it could be that Piggy and yebellz still have later rounds to capture.
Amusingly, since this means Martin gets M1 (and nobody else tries that move), Sanonius actually sealed their fate by telling le_4TC: if they had kept their silence, Martin would’ve been captured, and Sanonius would start next round with 6 stones and two strong potential allies who could help them capture the rest of Martin to survive.
I feel bad for Martin. Piggy and yebellz could’ve killed them without also painting them as a villain, I don’t see what trust Martin actually broke between them.