Neat problems from real games

You’d have to ask Claire.

Okay… Thank you for taking time to reply to my question. :grinning:

Hmmm… Black Throws in at A-19;
White connects At C—19;
Black pushes out at C—17;
White Make protective shape at E—18;
And then black captures at D—16;

And if Black A19 is followed by White A18?

I think that Black can only live by ko like this.



What has White overlooked?


This was from a blitz game using what I called the “nyanrensei system”, which calls for you to occupy all the star points as quickly as possible; except, in the easier sense, if the opponent has played within two spaces of the empty hoshi, in which case it can be thought of as occupied.

This was the opening, btw:

The bot calls B+1, a meaningless difference.

I used to comment often on the games of a certain player on GoKibitz who would play this sort of opening, simply taking all the available hoshi. At the time I was dubious, but I’ve lately come to think that it is probably quite difficult for the opponent to make more than 2–5 points off this “lax play”.


I think you have given cordinates for a different puzzles, since G1 & E1 have nothing to do with this puzzle whatsoever.

@le_4TC was referring to the original post.

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White to play and win (tesuji problem)

My answer

Hit Black’s nose.

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White to play:

My answer



I don’t see how that move works

Nevermind, I think I see it working still.

Black has just played at P18. With best play from both sides, what is the result in the top right?
Can White live unconditionally? Will there be a ko, and if so, who must find the first ko threat? Or has Black punished White’s overconfidence in assuming the life of his group?


Then M18 and Q19 are miai.


From a GoQuest game I just played. I’m black and got myself into trouble in the lower right:


Where should white play next?

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My answer


Then G1 and J3 are miai, this is eye vs. no eye if I read the capturing race correctly.


In the game, white played J3 instead under time pressure. This also makes an eye vs no eye capturing race, but after black H2 black won’t be needing as many approach moves, so white dies. Unfortunately, in the game I played G1 instead of H2, allowing white H2 again… :roll_eyes:

In conclusion, both 1 and 2 should have been at 3 instead.

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From a league game I played today, black to play:

Game link

(I found the correct move in the game, but I messed up a few moves later)


White to play.

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