Japanese Title: 伍と碁(Go to Go)
English Title: Go and Go (tentatively named by me)
Title meaning: The second Go (碁) just means Go, the game we all love. The first Go (伍) can mean the number 5 or a group of 5 people, usually used to refer to a small team in army. If you read or watch Kingdom probably you’ll have heard of it too (another nice Manga/Anime!). I guess it refers to the 5 characters that the main character has to overcome in the story. I’ll just name it Go and Go for now until somebody else can come up with a cooler name after finding out the story.
The story follows Akiyama Kosei (秋山恒星), a protagonist who excelled in various fields such as baseball, soccer, and academics, but experienced a setback in the world of Go. As a high school student, he returns to the game, vowing to take revenge on the five young prodigies who once defeated him.
Author: Hasuo Toto
Go Strength: Learnt for about 8 years but hasn’t played much with people so actual strength is unclear.
Author Comments:
“I hope this manga will become one that is enjoyed by both who know Go and don’t know Go. It will be great if more people can read it!!”
Illustrator: Nakazato Haruna
Past titles include a manga called “Blast” which has 3 volumes. It is about the high school life of the main character in the Wind Orchestra Club who has no talent but has the passion for music. You can see a sample here (in Japanese).
Go Strength: Currently learning through a Go app called 囲碁であそぼ (Let’s play Go)
Supervised by:
Iyama Yuta (Oza, Gosei, Judan)
Terayama Rei 6P
First chapter planned release date:
27th Jan 2025 on the Weekly Young Magazine
First volume planned release date:
May 2025
Will share more information once they are available! Will definitely share also once the first chapter is released!