New Go Manga: Go to Go

The release date of the first volume has been fixed at 7th May 2025 and it can be booked via the QR code below!


Yeah, probably for most people that or some other translation software, or just waiting until an English translation comes out.

Though in learning Japanese, looking up some of the kanji to help learn them is nice practice.

Of course being able to read hiragana and katakana at a minimum is necessary, but they’re also the easiest things to look up. If something is written in hiragana or katakana you can type it easily with a keyboard, but the kanji, much harder to type unless you know at least one of the readings.

Of course now there’s convenient ways to extract text from images but still.

In any case, I was thinking a mini kanji reference sheet might be nice for anyone learning Japanese.

For instance you could just add to a wiki any words you didn’t know yourself or found interesting (for me that would be like most of them XD) but then the contribution is smaller potentially after a number of people chip in a few kanji at different levels and speeds of reading.

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Yeah, it’s common in book clubs on WK too keep vocab lists like you’ve started

I suppose one can just make one’s own vocab sheet in a simpler way than having to make it in google drive like they suggest.

Or having the burden on one person to do it.

I’m kind of tempted to do it, just to be able to read it (might take a while, but I can just do bit by bit per day or as I have the concentration or time for it).

But having it in a wiki post also means, than anyone that just happens to think “oh page 33 had an interesting kanji that I didn’t know”, they could just edit that into a table somewhere in the wiki.

Also, I’m not sure any of the reading clubs of go books, which tried to keep a tight reading schedule have gone too well so far here for example, and those are in English :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t even have the ability to judge which category the book is supposed to fall into in wanikani’s system etc.

On the other hand, if you’re already familiar with their system, and you wanted to run a book club there, go ahead :slight_smile:

I’ve no idea how to join their community even. Does one have to have a wanikani account, or a subscription or?

I considered it yesterday, but realized I wasn’t invested in the manga enough to commit to it, but with you spearheading efforts here, I might join in here

Google drive or a wiki post as you’re doing all have the advantage that multiple people can contribute

You don’t need to feel obligated to enter everything into the wiki post. It’s helpful, sure, but not if it burns someone out, and the whole point of a wiki post is that someone else can pick up the slack

Well, you did list seeming too strict as one of your reasons for dispreffering a WK book club, so that seems fine :slight_smile:

A free trial account (no time limit, you’re just limited to the first 3 levels of kanji) should allow you to post on the forum

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Go to Go is ranked first so far!!


I think there are “handwritten” (draw the input with your mouse or touchscreen) kanji dictionary options on the internet these days, which might be easier than searching by radical etc.

I haven’t used this, but a search turned up :

And it seems to recognise random kanji I draw and have options for ignoring stroke order too (if one is unfamiliar with that - theoretically it’d make the kanji easier to draw and get a correct match for ?)

In case it’s somehow of help to somebody :slightly_smiling_face:


Some of them don’t work very well if you mess up the stroke order for example. If it’s an unfamiliar kanji, there’s a reasonable chance of messing up the stroke order. Jisho has one for example. Still if you know some of the radicals, searching by radical can be quicker.

I might give this a try a few times thanks! It seems a lot better than jisho’s one :slight_smile:

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Interview with the Author, Illustrator and Editor Part 2:

Some highlights:

  • The illustrator is currently into bodybuilding
  • She hasn’t done anything else other than drawing manga
  • She was scouted as the illustrator after her own manga was rejected
  • One of her favourite manga is 3月のライオン(March comes in like a lion), which is a shogi themed heartful manga
  • The key to the manga Go to Go lies in the characters themselves

New Go Manga “Go to Go” Chapter 2: “For Whom Do You Play Go”

Chapter 2 of Go to Go is out! The title of the chapter is 「誰が為に囲碁を打つ」(For Whom Do You Play Go). The Japanese version of the first chapter can be read for free using the link here. Even if you don’t understand Japanese, it is also possible to read using Google Lens like many people have done for the first chapter.

Kousei plays against the Go Salon receptionist in this chapter?? Do take a read!

First comment:

Seems like Kousei took the phrase “Lose your first 100 games quickly” to another level…

“Go to Go” Chapter 3: “Ichihara Hazuki”

Chapter 3 of Go to Go is out! The title of the chapter is 「市原葉月」(Ichihara Hazuki). The Japanese version of this chapter can be read for free using the link here. Links to the past chapters can be found here. At this point in time, they can still be read for free.

One of the five geniuses Hazuki appears. Will Kousei be able to get a game with her? Go take a read!

First comment:

That tournament seems similar to an actual tournament: the Amateur Ryusei Tournament. If it is similar, the players should be very strong, strong enough to represent the country in International Amateur Tournaments. I thought we were going to enter the tournament arc but the whole tournament was skipped… Kousei, you have grown so strong until all the players in amateur tournaments are fodders? xD

Hazuki or Tamaki?

Does “play” have as many double entendres in Japanese as it does in English?

Haha no, in Japanese to play a game of Go is 「打つ」(utsu). If it’s about Shogi then it’s 「指す」(sasu). So it won’t have a double meaning like in English. But yeah I kind of left it there intentionally :rofl:

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Yeah I imagined the original Japanese was probably more exact haha, even while the slide was explicitly setting her up as “the prize”

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I am curious to see what exactly is in Hazuki Instagram to gain 1.32m followers (4 times as many as HJJ), I am very suspicious about the ratio of Go content in them.

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Well there was this one guy joking about how he was going to teach her this and that once he wins :rofl:

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I bet he loses terribly :sweat_smile:

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