Given the current situation many Ukrainians find themselves in, I am preemptively canceling all recurring charges for anyone with a Ukrainian billing address and issuing refunds as far back as my payment processors will allow. You’ll still retain your supporter status and AI reviews for the foreseeable future, you just wont be charged for it.
[google translate - Ukranian]
Враховуючи нинішню ситуацію, в якій опинилися багато українців, я попередньо скасовую всі регулярні платежі для всіх, хто має українську платіжну адресу, і повертаю кошти, наскільки дозволять мої платіжні системи. Ви все одно збережете свій статус прихильника та відгуки AI у доступному для огляду майбутньому, просто з вас не стягуватиметься плата.
[deepl - Russian]
Учитывая текущую ситуацию, в которой оказались многие украинцы, я заранее отменяю все повторяющиеся платежи для всех, у кого есть украинский адрес для выставления счетов, и выдаю возврат средств, насколько это позволяют мои платежные процессоры. Вы сохраните свой статус сторонника и отзывы AI в обозримом будущем, просто с вас не будут взиматься за это деньги.
Merci pour nos amis Ukrainiens. Ils ne sont pas au bout de leurs peines et toute l’aide est bienvenue, même petite.
Un Français catastrophé.
On avait déjà eu Trump qui énonçait de fieffés mensonges sans vergogne. Et vlà t’y pas que l’autocrate s’y met aussi.
Comment des peuples peuvent supporter de tels zigotos, et même les elire !
@anoek, this is a very kind and noble gesture on your part and it really made my day to wake up and see this. Those of you in Ukraine and others that will be directly effected by this continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Stay strong guys.
I see this as a symbolic move, as an act of support and partnership, and a political stand when it matters, and I will feel supported enough to keep being a member of this community for its values, whether it makes a dent in my pockets or not.
(Maybe we’ll have war tomorrow here.
I do not want or expect any change in my charges.
Support for Ukraine is show of support enough for me.
I know where OGS stands. )
I’m so happy to see all these answers from players who never came to the forum (Welcome btw) To me it shows that what is happening in Ukraine is a major concern for the OGS community, demonstrating its solidarity.
Thanks anoek for your initiative.
We do this so we’re not charging someone who rapidly went from enjoying playing Go on our site to having to worry about staying safe, finding basic necessities, relocating, or fighting off invaders. I suspect some of those folks didn’t really stop to ponder if they should cancel recurring charges on that Go site they used to play on. Some of them might not have stable sources of income for awhile, so I don’t want to be taking money from folks because they forgot/can’t cancel, especially when they might need those funds for more basic things in the coming days, weeks, and months.
Not sure where you are going with other warring countries, if you’re trying to make some statement or not, but we have exactly zero site supporters from those places, so pragmatically it’s kind of a moot point. Our Ukrainian population on the site on the other hand is pretty significant, and after they’ve purged their lands of the invaders and the dust settles, I look forward to playing Go with them again.
First class. Makes me glad I have supported the site, and although likely I would have kept up the next year anyway, this just reinforces the idea that I should.