Pictures From Home

In Germany we know this under the name of Fürst-Pückler-Eis, which according to Wikipedia is actually based on the first known recipe for this. I knew we Germans must have invented something useful!


Of course, ice-cream in Germany, how useful :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

(I’m joking, I personally enjoy ice-cream in winter, when inside and cozy)


Oh, I can happily do without your 40 degree Celsius days, thank you very much! :stuck_out_tongue:

(Here comes the war between climate Nationalists!)


I always have coffee with my breakfasts. Buckwheat pancakes and coffee to drink is a fine, fine way to start the day.


I drink coffee in the morning, but I eat my sandwich first.


The company I retired from was and Indian company called Sun Pharmaceuticals. We had a number of engineers who hailed from Mumbai, and one of them always brought sumptuous lunches prepared by his wife (she’d bring them to the company and hand them to him). They often smelled heavenly and were quite visually pleasing as well. Once, after previously expressing curiosity, his wife cooked ME a meal (now I ask you, where do you find hospitality like that??). It was rice-based, no meat, and was a curry, but no curry I ever tasted before. It was very, very spicy, but not painful spicy, like Tex-Mex food. It was GOOD. The rice was perfect. The vegetables were perfect. And I had never tasted curry like that before, and to be honest, I’ve never tasted curry like that since. The spice had been brought from India (He said, “they don’t sell that in this country”). And he claimed it was a simple lunch.


I’ve never liked Fürst-Pückler-icecream. :stuck_out_tongue: I had it a lot as a kid - my parents sometimes bought a 1-liter-pack or so, and while my brother would often pick only chocolate, I would usually only pick vanilla and strawberry. It was pretty cheap stuff and didn’t really taste that well.

Btw, shouldn’t this whole conversation be in the not-safe-for-hungry-people-thread? :grin:


Arno river and Cascine park seen from the Indian’s bridge. Florence, Italy


It had a lovely day today (my favorite kind - some wind, some clouds and crisp air) so I thought I’d go to the beach for the first time this summer. As you can see it was very crowded, just as I like it :rofl:



They say that tourism this year is going great … so, where are the tourists? :rofl:


So beautiful. Careful what you ask for…


Looks early, maybe they’re sleeping? :sweat_smile:


We got the gravel in, at last an end to the mud-in-the-house…


Koi? Goldfish? Looking good

Goldfish - for some reason Koi are not allowed here (huh eh? I haven’t looked into why).

edit: the reason

Koi are a variety of carp. Common carp are extremely destructive and have contributed to the degradation of numerous waterways since being introduced.


A Fisheries spokeswoman said individuals caught keeping koi faced fines of up to $120,000.

It’s really really beautiful - Anna and I have both been so suprised by this. It started as a project to fill the space where the trampoline was, just as “a bit of a landscaping idea”, but we keep getting drawn to just go out and gaze at it! :blush:


Aaah yes i think some corner of my brain had heard this before…

That is wonderful :heart: beauty is so important for the soul, especially in these days! Keep drinking it in :heart:


They ALL gathered here in Florence! :roll_eyes:

I bet they fear koi could escape from the pond! :smile:
(Actually not so unlikely to happen :grin:)

That’s a beautiful spot.
Do you have to feed the fishes?

Your pictures look great though.
I hope you’ll have better weather next time!


Initially we do, until the pond develops it’s own little ecosystem of algae and bugs for them to eat.


In my area we drive them away by providing horrible services, don’t worry :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s an awesome pond by the way!! :grinning:

That looks very pretty and wholesome. By they way, do you happen to know what those flowers are in the first picture?

I want to visit Italy one day, but I’ve heard that all the good places are usually flooded with people. Is it like Greece where the best time for some peace and quiet tourism is March-April and end of September or do they go all year round over there?

What usually happens is that sometimes people have to move or something goes wrong with the pond and the people do not realise that the fish are dangerous to a foreign ecosystem, so they release them in the wild. Sometimes the best of intentions towards one kind of animal can cause damage to nature as a whole.