Pictures From Home

(I like the first framing more, but the second sun, couldn’t capture the perfect combo :woman_shrugging:)

I’m known to like cloudy sun rays over the sea. Found here


These news are all fake i don’t see even a little smoke on the horizon.


Fires from Albania have crossed the border, I’m afraid we’ll get our share of smoke soon enough here.


Well, in my island it has been burning for days and I can now see it from my own home, after it travelled and burned almost the entire north-central part. Now it is our turn.
Some of my earlier pictures are expected to not correspond to reality in a couple of days.


OMG, I hope you are safe. Is evacuation a possibility?


Wow impressive. Hope you get lucky for your things and safe for yourself and family / friends


Oh wow, that looks horrible. :confused: :slightly_frowning_face: :confused:

I hope you and your house will be safe.


People evacuated succesfully in any means possible. A lot of people helped with private and fishing boats and so far there are not confirmed dead people as far as I know. The government’s policy currently is to evacuate early and let everything burn just to score “success points” in the media … they have already claimed that this unprecedented disaster is a SUCCESS, just because their incompetence didn’t kill anyone.

Well, not directly, no. But thousands of people lost their homes, their livelihood, their farms, their fields, their flocks, their beehives and come the winter, once it rains, the mudslides will finish us off.

There is no definitive map going yet (because it would look bad), but here is the situation so far, as I understand it, and the fire keeps expanding towards north AND south. Everything within the shape I drew was non-stop pine forest, all gone now, dotted with villages (some where saved)

“success” … that the fire went coast to coast … the audacity of those people is staggering. :rage:


I found this, it’s a bit slow but it shows how bad things are currently. It works on and off, though.

I was discussing this earlier, it will be a harsh winter for your island (with a history of mudslides already) and no help from this disaster of a government in sight.

Κρίμα, δεν ξέρω τι άλλο να πω, και όπως φαίνεται δεν έχει τελειωμό…


Thank you for your report. My heart goes out to you and your compatriots, and I count my blessings that I live in a place largely free of most natural disasters.


Very true and very sad, but lives are always more important.

That said, the island has been ruined! The few last years was the southern part, this year the northern part, Chalkida always has trouble… Is there no end? Winter will be rough and dangerous. It’s not just the forests, everything from houses to jobs has gone up in ashes.

At the same time, the NE, N, NW of Attica is ashes, people are homeless and jobless, ash and smoke is finishing off what people the Covid has missed, the South of Greece is burning (at the same spots over and over for a few years now), the islands got their share of wildfires in June, Central and Western Greece are burning bit by bit, while all forces and vehicles are away in other missions, Thessaloniki just started a couple of days ago…

This is definitely not a successful crisis management. It’s a disaster and whoever helped spread the fires is a killer. Fire near communities is bound to kill, hence the spreader is a killer.

I don’t forget the huge international fires, some of them nearby, it’s just that they are such a depressing thing to enumerate that it gets overwhelming.

We had the floods in Central Europe, we have fires everywhere, now the only thing missing is an alien mothership.


The aliens would probably just look for intelligent life, find none, shrug and move on.


And laugh on how we burned in our selfmade pyre.

Note: hope pyre is a good translation of bucher (fr)


We might need that for the island’s evacuation soon. Our very own mayor made a FB post with a video of the fire that translates to this:

“Share it everywhere we need air support”

Dude, go on the phone and get the air support, that’s your JOB. The people in charge are his friends , from his own political party. You cannot go on facebook and make a post like the “share this now and you might get into a ruffle to win the new RAYBAN glasses and a Canadair firefighting aircraft”.
So, when the air support doesn’t come you can say that we didn’t beg enough for it on facebook, so it was somehow our fault !?!

Even wasting one minute for those morons leaves a bad taste in our brains so, in order to not spoil this topic, let’s see this that I found while looking for the fires. Someone uploaded today how the area USED to be, so let us remember it like it was - and will soon be again in 20 years. I am really sorry I mentioned the fires, so let’s return this topic to something positive


@JethOrensin @Gia here’s an idea, take some go playing photos with the fires burning in the background. A spin on the atomic bomb game, or at least orchestra playing on Titanic. Might as well use the opportunity if everything sucks anyway.


Got that image in my last night dreams too! (only difference was that the goban was burning, no background)

More like this, then?


@Gia @JethOrensin This is harrowing - all my feelings and good wishes go to you.


It’s cold and wet here but the local field of sunflowers don’t seem to mind.


You still OK, @JethOrensin? I think this was your last message here, so I do worry a bit. :worried: