Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

Probably the lower management that doesn’t have enough employees and doesn’t want to force the employees they do have to read through pages of nearly useless information when the customer is incapable of being accurate, brief or clear in their report.

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Well but why then you have to pay (and all customers) for the stupidity of a few of them? I did myself suffer from these minutes no end robots when companies (States public services too) have to give you efficiency and results.

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It’s customer support.
Customer can be stupid, statistically people are. Company should be focused on helping, not berating.
Company shouldn’t be so blatantly arrogant, bur here we are. People with money have such a warped sense of reality it’s baffling.

If they cut all the useless scripts they make CS reps go through for the simplest thing, handling time would also magically improve.

Also, it’s phone company support, what pages are you talking about?

And I really doubt they would dare tell their B2B customers “yeah, be concise, we have things to do”. And those tend to really be the worst offenders.

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Anyone happen to have a home chemistry setup? If so, could you please pm me?


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Anyone knows, did we get a bump of new users from Turkey?


btw I already have my eye on this


But why under the age of 40?


The term “Young Turk” is now used to signify “an insurgent person trying to take control of a situation or organization by force or political maneuver.”(Young Turks - Wikipedia) and various groups in different countries have been named Young Turks because of their rebellious or revolutionary nature.

According to this

I don’t think I’ve heard the term used before in that context.

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Because after 40 it’s too late to learn anything I guess …

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If you are under 40 and not not a democratic, you have no heart. If you are over and not a republic, you have no brain.

Why when play bot, I have more odds to win in unranked games than ranked ones?

Ha, I see from the thread Did anyone here start learning in their 40s, and how high have you gotten? that we are in the same boat.


It’s certainly hard to learn stuff after 40, but very far from impossible. Janacek wrote all his best works after age 40, and this was not merely the maturing of his style. Rather it was because he absorbed, better than any other 19th-century, traditonalist composer, the modernist innovations of Debussy and Stravinsky, and he did this not only after 40, but after 50. Harry Partch reputedly destroyed his conventional musical work after age 40 and embarked on a study of micro-tonality and the use of ordinary objects as instruments, resulting in a unique musical revolution.

Several renowned science fiction writers started late, most notably James Tiptree, Jr. (Alice Sheldon), who started studying for her B.A. at age 42 and got her Ph.D. and began SF writing at age 52. Robert Peary, whether he got to the North Pole or only came close, made his epic journey shortly before his 53rd birthday (the most amazing physical feat I know of). He had spent many years learning and developing survival techniques with other expeditions after 40. Buckminster Fuller is, of course, famous as a lifelong auto-didact. Edwin Land also made notable discoveries after 40. No doubt there are others.


Would it make sense to have a “review week” event? Strictly voluntary of course.

Not me, I already use the system to my advantage. But, and mods can correct me if I’m wrong, I have the impression the vast majority of OGS player base doesn’t know/ use the analysis function or participate in the forums. Maybe they are not interested in gen pop chat, but the teaching subforum could and deserves to get bigger.

And it could also be multilingual if needed, so helpful to more people who now don’t really participate.

I know analysis tool has long been requested to get an overhaul, and there are other sites etc, but lots of people are still locked inside, a friendly learning atmosphere to bite deeper, I mean get more interested in Go, could be nice.

Do banner announcements get traction? Simple things, not a big event or anything.


Here is an example of bridge player related to age topic. Basically she first learned bridge around 40 and turned pro.

I would agree age has negative impact on learning.That totally explains why I’m not a d player … yet


I think it’s important to note whether the new skill builds on previously acquired skills or not.

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Anyone’s watching football this month?


You lucky people who play IRL, do you use time settings? I don’t mean in tournaments, I mean with friends or in clubs.

Is it part of the game to be able to do thing in X amount of time plus extra time, or is it only for the sport aspect of it?

I expect the second one to be true, but I don’t know.

I guess time setting is more or less the standard online for obvious reasons, but is it also required when sharing a couple of beers?


We don’t use clocks in our club. No need to put time pressure in a friendly environment.


Both are common. I play most my casual games without clock, but with certain friends or under certain circumstances we do use a clock. It’s mostly correlated with how seriously/competitively you want to treat the game, but not only.

It’s possible to play a very serious game without any clock (that’s what they used to do before clocks were around :wink:). In the other direction, super fast games (like 3x10s byoyomi, no main time) can be very fun and casual between friends, but the fun is greatly helped by the clock. “Let’s just play very quickly” without any clock can sort of work, but it’s not quite the same.

Some advantages of playing without clock:

  • You don’t need a clock :stuck_out_tongue:
  • No need to decide on time settings
  • No need to press the clock after every move
  • No need to pause the clock if one of the players needs to take a break for some reason

Some advantages of playing with clock:

  • No risk of feeling rude for taking more time than the other player
  • Good practice for managing your time in serious games
  • If you need the game to be done by a certain time for practical reasons, a clock is the best way to force both players to play at a certain speed in a fair way.