Random music on player's profile page

Well, it’s a bit technical the way it’s asked, so I’ll reply thus, if I may:

Generally, it’s better to not have loud noises/ extreme color changes where they are not expected (I think a while back a step forward was taken for people with epilepsy to be protected from flashes etc on certain websites). In general, OGS is not expected to have those. Possible, maybe, but not expected.

On the other hand, Go is a hobby, and part of our ykyaga personality, so I would usually like to know how others express themselves.

I guess it’s the most trouble of all, but I would prefer the personalized page to be a second step that I could access, after seeing someone’s rank/stats/game history.

I don’t know if a compromise would be a more “open” forum profile page to play around, or a way to “cut” extra content within OGS proper, the way some accessibility things work.

Could it be so simple as a “click here for my full profile”, the way we use “hide details” in the forum?

If not, IMHO: profile pictures, OGS names and personal description are not too restrictive anyway, if we decide to disable everything else. I don’t mind customized pages, but too loud is a concern.


That’s an interesting idea, because i may like to see a customized profile once but not every time i visit the page later.


The poll is maybe not precise enough. Some people might want to ban any audio/video, while others may accept them but just want to block autoplay.


I strongly disagree with this tone / sentiment. This topic is calling for the removal of an aspect of the website that is enjoyed by quite a lot of people, apparently. I don’t think you have the right to tell those people to keep their mouth shut in this thread while you’re campaigning to take their toys away. Their opinions do matter, just as much as yours does.


I m not a computer technician but i was wondering, is it possible that when you edit your profile, OGS detect if you put more as usual (music, videos…)
That detection won’t be costly as it is done only when you edit the profile.
Then if detected, a button [see extended profile] will be automatically generated and integrated in the profile page.

If you have to answer a popup each time you open a profile it can become tedious. Or if you have a global option to deactivate then you will lose some creativity. If you have the【see extended orofile】on every profile, you may never go check because there will be too few of them.


Yep we can detect it

My thought was to only show that popup when there’s either custom css or media, and to do something like provide the option to load it this time, load it every time (and thus never show the popup), don’t load it this time, and never load it (again, never showing the popup again). Those always/never could be updated or cleared in settings.


The answer is always “go with the toggle”.


Ok, I’m going to shut the f. up since mr “paying professional” said so.

What is really hilarious is that he can listen to my music while I can’t!!! :rofl:


I am confused by the use of the term “bug.” I thought a bug is an unexpected problem that arose either because of a mistake (like a typo) in the code, or because the code had unrealized “loopholes” that allowed unexpected results. The issue at hand does not seem to fit this definition, as the situation is part of the deliberate design. It seems that the issue arises from a feature that is simply annoying to some. If I am wrong, someone please correct my understanding of “bug.”

The Olympian view that OGS is just for playing go, is obviously not true. OGS has large components that are manifestly for wide-ranging social interaction among people with a common interest in go: the chat channels, the game chat, and the Forums. It also has many other non-playing attractions: games for observation at every level, news of the go world at large, and game reviews and other learning resources. Personally speaking, I don’t much like playing online (most of my play is IRL), but I come here every day for everything else. Indeed, the most valuable boon I have ever gotten from OGS was fiddlehead’s recommendation to read McTeague, a tremendous novel that I had known about for 45 years but had never read until he brought it up in the Forums.


That’s a positive answer.
Well till now the poll shows already that some have similar concerns as yours but not yet a majority of the users.

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I don’t think it is reasonable to call this a bug. The site developer has long been aware of this behavior, and its continued presence appears to be an intentional design choice.

By insisting that it is a bug, you assert that your preference is correct, while dismissing other opinions as wrong. Besides the inappropriateness of this, I think it is counter-productive toward your aims.

In particular, I find this entire paragraph quite inappropriate in not treating others with civility and respect:

Regardless of whether someone is a “member of the OGS product team”, they are free to express their opinions and preferences on this issue. Everyone’s views do matter and it is not out of place for them to share their views.


I sure am glad “Facebook does (or doesn’t do) it this way.” isn’t the way OGS makes decisions. But that could just be me :joy:


Two old classic phrases come to mind:

  1. “It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!”


  1. The only difference between a bug and a feature, is the (product’s) specification.

The only difference between a bug and a feature at OGS is your expectation :wink:


Light theme is a bug, light theme as DEFAULT is definitely a bug :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Agreed. What we really need is Nyan-cat theme by default. That way nobody needs to resort to custom CSS. (PR incoming)


Better copy yebellz’s CSS styling for default too :wink:


Yes, please. The current default is very hard to read actually. The high contrast yebellz’s CSS is so much easier on my eyes :eyes:

Screenshot from 2021-12-01 21-56-55


I guess password phishing is possible with html+css. Showing an error message tricking users to click on a link to your own website. On your own website you can forge the OGS login form to collect the credentials.


Well, one could create something that looks like a login form certainly, however getting the data out is another thing though as we don’t let forms, input fields, scripts, or iframes through, so there’s not a way to exfiltrate the data anywhere even if you were able to make something that looked and acted like an input form.