Re: Correspondence games lost by disconnection

Nice. One of my games is on weekend pause. :sweat_smile:


OGS is still the best GO site … thanks for all the good work (I’m not sarcastic here)
… and things like this can happen, that’s life


Is this associated with the fact I can’t submit moves in my current correspondence games this morning?

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How about raising everyone’s rank by one stone as a way to make up for the- what do you mean exactly by “this is the worst idea in the history of ideas”?


Also noticing.

Those who lost:
“I’m on the forum now and wtf?”

The unexpected winners:

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Everyone saying how their rank skyrocketed and stuff because of this and I’m stuck at 25k, not even malfunction can save me :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


I’m on vacation and none of my games where affected, but would not be possible to do a server rollback?

I reported a game I unexpectedly won (before seeing the announcement), but as someone mentioned above it’s probably better to cancel reports, since the team knows about the problem and it’s better to not flood them with reports now, so I cancelled it.


I’m happy OGS is working so well overall, this is a minor accident. Keep up the good work! :relaxed:


My rank sank by two and I’m happy that I can now play some live 19x19 again without loosing the first five games. I’m usually ranked too high because of 9x9 games

I am now unable to ladder challenge a new person. Is that past of this glitch?


As far as I can tell I don’t seem to have had any games affected, despite having over 20 correspondence games ongoing. Have the devs just been very quick and already managed to fix this? Or is it an issue that affects games unevenly?

I’m just wondering: were you low on time for games you lost by disconnection (or was your opponent low on time when he lost)? Low on time could be everything smaller than 24 hours.

@flovo It wasn’t even my move in my only DCd game, can’t remember if we were low on time.

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In my game my opponent had I think about 30+ hours left, I just played my move this morning I think. Don’t know if it helps.

I helps as far as I don’t have to bother anoek with wrong theories.

I lost almost all of my ladder challenges from this. I think I won one in a side ladder. I think I won one or two games from this but lost 21 or so.


Also, I had only one game affected, which might seem weird, I have opponents with different ranks and in different tournaments. I think, I’m not 100% sure, it was the game with the opponent with the highest rank among all my opponents.

Nah, time seems not to be the problem

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Sorry to hear it! Sounds tricky to clean up. You have all the SGF details with times so sounds theoretically possible to reinstate right game state, and then have to rerun ratings calc across players.

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