Re: Correspondence games lost by disconnection

Thank you, anoek. We are all human, we understand.

This is a poignant reminder to us that there are real people working on this website, a community most of us use multiple times every day. They do it full-time just for us. If one is not yet, they might consider becoming a Site Supporter through the menu link. It makes a difference.

I appreciate all of you…Creators, Coders, Mods, Instructors, and fellow Players :star2: Thank you.


Well, pretty disappointing losing like this. Will we be able to rejoin the games where they were before this happened?

And are you aware that the time is still on “weekend”-mode?

Even though: Thank you for regularly fixing errors for us to keep playing error-free :smiley:


Weekend pause is intentional on to prevent more games from timing out.


Thanks flovo for your fast reaction.

Than it’s fine, but I thought I’d mention it just in case :wink:


anoek, also challenging in the ladder gives me Server Error 500

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Maybe this isn’t the best time to start new corr games!


But isn’t the only thing better than chaos, more chaos?

Oh, right, not making it harder for the OGS team, not adding to their work, etc.


If I lose 75 ranks, I will want to try and move back up.

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Hi there , sorry to hear about the issue … hope you can sort it soon… I had 10 games playing at the time… all results were marked as ‘lost’ … can they be either reinstated or marked ‘void’ to make it fairer :slight_smile:
if not possible . not too worry … will have to be a bit more focused in next few games !!!


That could be it… From my games, just one was ended, and I think it was the only one where my opponent was relatively low on time (it was @Haze_with_a_Z - i don’t remember exactly how much time you still had, but I’m pretty sure it was less than 48h) .

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All of my games had at least 24 hours, something I tried to keep that way after getting to 6hrs in a fast correspondence game. I probably did have games with less then 48hrs, but I don’t think all of the games were like that. I don’t consider 48hrs low on time.


I have games where my opponent or me have much less time on our clocks (comparing to the one game that was affected).
The only thing that stands out in my affected game is my opponent’s rank.


One of my games, my opponent has less then 9 hours to move. This one is still active.

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Hmmm… And these games are not paused?

No, I played my moves this morning and it was my opponents’ turn in most games. Some tournament, some individual, I think one is less than a day.


Sadaharu had both wins and losses, so rank it isn’t rank.

I guess you will take whole the server time into a few hours back(may be a day). and we will all continue to our lifes with covid19 like nothing happened :sunglasses::+1:t2: Anyway good luck :+1:t2: this kind of things happens do not worry! we say “insanlık hali” in that case.


Hi there. I think i have an isse relating to this.

In all of my current tournament and ladder corrispondence games, i am not bale to submit moves. But, in frinedly games outside of a ladder or tournemnt, i am able to submit moves.

Its a small peice of informaiton, but i hope it helps.


I also didn’t disconnect out of any friendly matches. Although I know people who have only had one or two games impacted with wins or losses that are in a lot of tournaments.

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but also has only a couple of wins and then all losses.
The wins and losses aren’t distributed randomly or evenly.

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