Rengo status



But are we sure it is not a real bug where the player never resigned??

I noticed that the game is not in the rengo history too

It can’t be in the history since the game is not finished. (Can’t be at the same time an active game and a game in the history.)


So the game is still in his active list and not in history because even if he’s no more playing, the game is still running for the others.

I understand it being considered as a minor bug.

Now i tried to contact them (second case today…) because if there is a real bug like a clock timingout on itself or whatever leading to a resign that they didn’t commit, then they will be in a situation that they can’t really understand or even notice at first (the game will stay active and they just stay waiting to play unless they go check and notice that they are out)
Sadly no answer yet.

I get “Server Error (500)” + “You’re not currently playing any games.” (false) every time that I try to load Play Go at! | OGS. This also happened to me a while ago probably because I had too many games (X) , but I don’t think this is the case.


Yeah I’m seeing this on Beta as well. There were some changes put in this morning, tagging @anoek and @GreenAsJade

EDIT: unrelated, but we should change the og-title for beta :sweat_smile: hard to tell that link isn’t the main site.


Never mind, fixed!

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Online Beta Server


BOGS (beta online go server) :slight_smile:


Tagline: Baduk is Better on Beta


Online Baduk Server

It means that the details about that player were not cached in your browser, and it’s waiting to hear abou them from the server. This happens occasionally in other places in OGS too.

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I’m hoping this was due to the server update being in process/recovery (it takes the server a little while to “get back to normal”)

That game loads for me now…

(even though you and jlt keep trying to break it! :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :crazy_face: )

(Edit: I see how it got resolved, yay)

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If only the game continued after people resigned :thinking:

Oh, wait! We have that feature now :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

(I know you know, just being silly, I can’t help it!)


Yes I know but the game was 1k+DDK vs 1d + DDK(?). When the DDK(?) resigned it became 1k+DDK vs 1d so I resigned it too.

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On this topic…

… on Beta, for your testing, there is now:

  • Auto-start (casual): Casual rengo games have an auto-start option. When the specified number of players join, the game starts automatically.

  • Automatic handicap. Re-enabled for rengo. It (attempts to) calculate the average of the player’s ranks for each team and base handicap on the averages. This could definitely do with testing, it’s one of those things that is rather laborious and tricky to work out what the actual result should be, due to komi, rank vs rating, rounding etc…

… I’m not sure whether this is really useful for casual (at least) - see above… when people drop the balance changes. But hopefully it helps for strict, and may make auto-start more attractive: auto-start plus auto-handicap seems to make some sense.


I opened a rengo which will start when 4 players join in.

This is perhaps more difficult to prove because many do not have a rank there. Or maybe the rank counts even if you see “?” ?

Hah I just read what I wrote. This means that strict games could do with auto-start. Huh. What do we think about that??

Exactly :slight_smile:

We need someone who plays a lot to get a rank and try it out :smiley: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:


But bots lose by timeout :frowning:

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