Rengo status

In one of my rengo games, the “plan conditional moves” button is greyed out, but clicking on it still displays the conditional move planner.

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Planning conditional moves won’t work (tried on beta site).


Yeah, you naughty people clicking on greyed out controls :smiley:

That definitely needs to be properly disabled, “conditional moves in rengo” is not a thing.


great idea for April Fool’s tho


Do I have to link the square hole video again :rofl:


We’ll see if it gets approved :sweat_smile:

EDIT: not looking good for 8 hrs, maybe something a little longer


It’s not fun if we never actually play it, you know… :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thought we needed a lot of players to correct for timeouts, but you’re right :slight_smile: let the games begin!


I don’t remember if it has already been mentioned, but the first 2 players (before move 1 only, I think) don’t have their normal color


Seriously, how anyone going to accept live rengo challenge, when there is THIS:

(and live rengo is below, unseen)

Long Games should be possible to hide like that:

Long Games


Just wait until April …


A bit of advertising for @Clossius1 efforts


This is clutching at straws. People who are going to accept a rengo challenge know where it is.

We can keep tweaking the UI till the cows come home, but Ad-hoc Live Rengo: it's not a thing.

True rengo enthusiasts need to recognise that they need to get organised to get a game going (aside from novelty correspondence matches, of course).


there are people who are ok with normal or rengo games
they will have to scroll page up down up down
and people who create rengo games will have to wait longer because it

so it is bug. Maybe its not important bug, but it is bug.

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I don’t agree.

Most people on the site are interested in normal go. They will immediately expand any collapse-arrow we put on normal go game lists.

If we have it collapsed by default, they will ask for an option to uncollapse it by default, and turn that on.

This incessant desire to somehow force people to look at and accept rengo games is misguided: it assumes that most people are here for rengo. It assumes that many people who are not here for rengo would accept a live rengo game if only they saw it. None of these things are true.

Rengo is placed on the site proportionately with the interest and amount played.

In fact, it might be that it should have had it’s own challenge page, tucked away in the left hand side menu. That was an option…


Something I can think of targetted to rengo live people would be an (opt-in?) notification that live games are open at the moment.

I guess more generally this might be an opt-in notification for “the sort of thing I am interested in”, in general.

This is food for thought, now (or at least, after OJE gets fixed :blush: )

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just don’t collapse it by default
I would just like hide all correspondence games both rengo and normal
so page becomes less overloaded


^^ THAT is a completely different argument, and has got legs actually.

If you are saying “I would like to be able to collapse these, because it would make my life easier” that makes sense.

You started off with

… which is a totally different (and misguided) idea.

I agree that it different.
just that idea is useful for many things

What a great idea, then :wink:


(@benjito could put this on his “great first ticket” list ! )

(And maybe there is a take-away here, which is that ideas to make player’s lives easier are attractive, but ideas that fish for people to accept live rengo challenges are not :wink: )

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