I’d love to see some features here on OGS, to make it even better.
Everything is only wished as an option - not mandatory for every player/game.
#1 Disable the Score-Estimator
As we can disable ingame-analysis (+ conditional moves), please let us
disable SE as well when we are creating a game.
#2 Disable vacationmode for corr.-games
I am currently in a “Fast Correspondence” Tournament ( which
was projected to end after 2 months. Thanks to vacation, 3 months have passed and it’s still not over!
I absolutely understand the concept of vacation time and I wouldnt force it for ladder tournaments or “casual” games. But when “we” want to play a “fast corr.”, it’s just annoying to let dozends of people wait because one player registered for a tournament he can’t finish.
There is also some kind of bug when you enter vacation after starting a tournament. Once you return from vacation, the display at the actual board is still bugged and shows vacation, but the profile does not.
But this didn’t happen to me, so I can’t provide further details about this.
#3 Disable the possibility of sending moves while a game is paused
Sometimes people pause a game (for whatever reason), I did this myself. This is fine if you need to visit the bathroom during a long game, unexpected guests arrive at the door, important phonecall, etc.
However some player abuse it (in tournaments) and just pause their game, while still playing/sending their moves.
I don’t see the reason why you should be able to send moves while the game is officially paused.
I didn’t check it yet, but I hope (!) that analysis is disabled during a pause as well.
#4 Show us 2 bowls of stones beside the board/goban
This isn’t important at all, but I personally love the IGS layout with bowls and pictured prisoners.
Would be great to see them here someday.
#5 Reviews can be deleted
So far, I don’t see any option to delete a created review. I clicked on the create button by accident and there was no way to remove them from my profile (as well as the others, who played). Nothing serious as well, but would be nice to have a fix in the future.
There’s prob. more, but these are the things that come to my mind once I think about improving OGS.
OGS is my main server, I like it a lot and it has many benefits found nowhere else. But we can always improve
to pursue perfection, right?